parrot rexy and the incovenient healer

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The athulyth howled in the dark of the night. The kriffins nestled inside a tree above the ground by the size of two gyroudos ontop of eachother, The wind gently blowed and everything seemed to be at peace, until... Two certain carnivores entered the forest, a Glowtail pernirex of vibrant colours (parrot coloured) and a lissiceous which was colored in earthly colours or cavely. The lissiceous was chasing the pernirex with blood on its jaws. The thing had bit the pernirex and now that the pernirex is hurt, its easy prey to almost anything.

The athulyth only stared, its stone like face devoid of emotion. The pernirex was calling out for help in fear from anyone. The wind picked up and the pernirex suddenly got swept in the small fast-flowing river which carries it fast. The pernirex cried out. The lissiceous, seemingly not wanting to get swept up in the cold water gave up on its hunt and when it saw a corpse of another lissiceous not so far away it decided to go eat.

Meanwhile the pernirex was being carried by the freezing cold river, uts wounds no longer bleeding but only slightly. The river throws the pernirex across rocks and sometimes its leg gets tangled on seaweed snd then breaks off. By the time the pernirex reaches the small ocean, its passed out and underwater. A nearby galeostra notices and gets too curious, it swims to the pernirex and examines it before opening its jaws and slurping the pernirex up. Swallowing it and then letting out a huff,

Its hours after the pernirex passed out it realized it could breathe again. It was inside of something! The pernirex tried to squiem but found it painfull and decided not to squirm.

Its another few hours when the pernirex feels itself he suddenly regurgitated on sandy land. Then its predator grabs it and soaks it in the water again. The pernirex realises it was a Galeostra, and that the galeostra was passing the pernirex to a GYROUDOS?! rhe pernirex tried to struggle or anything but the gyroudos grabbed it by the scruff and lifted it up high, making the pernirex extremelly scared snd stop squirming. It breathed deeply and painfully of its previous injuries.

The gyroudos considered before lifting its head upright and then opening the jaws and the pernirex fell in. The gyro could taste the blood and it felt disgusting but it had to, this pernirex was injured and easy prey to anyone less with less mercy.

The gyroudos rolled it around for a bit before swallowing. But the pernirex was sent to its fake stomach where the healing juices were stored, the gyro couldn't use them on anything outside its bosy but it could inside.

The pernirex was slightly panickung at the green-tinted water when its injuries burned and it cried our, but soon realized the juices were healing its wounds when it saw a scratch disppear.

The gyroudos settled down near a fire creature for warmth and soon fell asleep. The pernirex was hesitant but soon fell asleep due to the extent of its injuries and finally rested after veing in full panic mode for more than 10 hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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