A fool moon day

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Chapter: 3

* john who was coming to find Shannon
* the mount valley's villagers were ready to burn alive mortice for what she did with shanon

The villagers were in guilt for whatever they did with shanon.
But the question was?
Does mortice was alone in this all matter or someone was there who was supporting her from behind.
There was thousands of Questions in everyone's mind that time
Another side John came back to palace in search of shanon it was afternoon. He was unknown ab shanon that she is not alive , to whome he mate was shanon's Spector.
Jhon entered the palace and started finding shanon calling her shanon nnnnnnnnn!!!! But not a single response nothing else except cold silence.

John remember last night whatever he was at the top of palace (Thomas dead body) in day light it was clear visible the body was in very brutal condition the head was laying seprate from the body the hairs were snatched and the cuts on whole body like tried to scratch from the nails the teeth bits flesh spread over the floor it was so horrible to seee the eyes we're popped out like staring at John the rats were eating flesh this all was so scaryscary, on his body there was something writin in Latin (iecur wius comedi cum aliquibus fabiset chainti) (Quidquial agius noti dormir) .

John started sweating and start walking backwards to door after reaching down he started running away from the place. He saw bord showing way to mount valley he decided to go there and to know ab shanon does anyone saw her going tht way, jhon was unknown another big trouble was ready waiting for him.

Another to that in town the villagers were ready to burn alive mortice they hang her to poll middle of the town.

Villagers burn her alive her loud screaming voice and her last words were shocking for villagers mortice body was buring she were screaming more than 5 minutes after tht suddenly the voice stopped the scary silence spread all over the town. Everyone was scared about her last words (tu homines stulte putas esse solum mortice ne sollicitus sis quae est in via mox hic erit hahahaah)

John reached the village and whatever he saw the things were happening in fort of him was more shockedfull to him John want to know what's going on he started asking villagers tried to stop them but no one was ready to answer or to listen him.

Villagers burn her alive.

The town's mayor sir Robert
Question John who are you and to whom you want to meet.
Than John explain everything whatever he gone through from last days. About palace the incident happened with him no one was ready to accept it he came alive back from tht palace but then he said ab Thomas his death the condition of his body everyone was shocked. Than he said ab shanon how she help him gave her room to stay , sir Robert showed him a picture of shanon and ask the girl u meet yesterday night was her? He answer yes sir Robert said whole story to John. John started shaking and unconsciously fell down.

Now what?
John will go back to find shanon?
Does mortice gone for forever

In all this there was one more who were coming towards the mountvalley with big strom.
As she entered the mountvalley everyone villagers sir Robert everyone was shocked after seeing her
All of them thought tht she died in flood 8 years ago, now the question was who is she, for some of she was known but for some of them she was unknown.
Does mortice was saying ab her in her last words.
Sir Robert come front and hug her she was gennad shanon's younger sister everyone thought she died in flood but not.
Gennad 24 years young girl.
Sir Robert ask. Her how she is alive and how you find the way back home after 8years gennad tell them her survive story after flowing in flood how fishermen rescue her and took to nearest village for treatment. 10 months she were in coma due to head injury . After wokeup her first question was am I only person who left behind, she was mentally shocked after spending two years in village she went Vietnam for her undergraduate studies in biotech since childhood she was curious obout plants and there culture. And from there she went india for 5 yers to complete further studies in herbs herbal medicine ( ayurveda) one day she read a article based on shanon about her education. After reading tht and knowing tht her family is alive her tears were uncontrolled . But she was unknown about whatever was going on beside her.
Sir Robert was speechless. He was thinking that how to tell her ab shanon, but in this all. Gennad saw mortice picture on sir Robert's desk she was continues staring at that photo frame.

Does gennad know mortice what's the connection between them?

Thanks for reading

 A full moon day Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora