★ 004

20 1 1

"they say distance brings fondness, but i guess not with us."

{declans pov}

the wet pavement outside of my building calls my name.
i hate being inside. no, i hate being alone, for this long atleast.

its been three weeks, no response. maybe he moved? he would've said right?
maybe its not ment to be. i dont know, its whatever.

im ready to move on.

{conans pov}

todays the day, im moving

im finally going to be on my own, out of this town, out of this house. away from my past and all my problems. im ready for this. ive been ready

As Conan ascended the creaking wooden staircase of the house he grew up in, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. Each step seemed to echo with the laughter and footsteps of his childhood, and the air was heavy with the scent of memories long forgotten.

the heavy wooden door groans along with conan as he pushes it open, his eyes move towards the back corner of the attic space, taken up by two rather large boxes, both labelled "Conans stuff" he stumbles over to the corner and opens the first box only taking a small camera from it

he drops the camera into the box he brought up, as he turns to open the second box, he sees a small red shoe box, theres no writing on the box its just, a normal box. he places the box into his lap and opens the lid,  inside the box is dozens, if not hundreds of envelopes, before he even looks at any of them, he knows whats in the box

what is this.. what.

his heart sinks into his stomach, the room becoming hotter by the second, the rounded handwriting on the envelope piercing his eyes as he looks at it.

He carefully unfolded one of the letters and began to read. The words transported him to a time when innocence and friendship intertwined effortlessly.  the secrets whispered under the moonlit sky travelling through his mind. it was all there, preserved in ink on faded paper.

the letter has a date on it, 12/7/21, just over a week ago. he still cares


hes still alive

{declans pov}

the keys of a fresh RGB keyboard click softly under my hands, all my personal details filling into the frame of the easy jet website, im going to new york. i need a change. i hate it here. 

the rain falls more and more as i purchase the ticket, ill be there soon. do they have f1 in America?  maybe this was a mistake, maybe ill keep this short. 

new york, new me? new york, new people? i dont know, i need a new something, theres only so much Brighton a man like me can take

A:N  wooof woof, im back, writers block will not get me, im to good for writers block. i did have to steal my laptop from my evil father to make this, if i get grounded again, just know i tried to feed you more of this zesty ass book, love you guys, thanks for all the reads, your all fucking amazing, 310 in long distance is CRAZY to me, i love you alll more than tomorrow!! - ROBROBB 

your still mine ; conan grayWhere stories live. Discover now