★ 005

21 1 1

nothing in the world belongs to me but my love mine, all mine, all mine.

{Conans pov}

"Where did these even come from.." beads of sweat drop down my forehead. "Huh... what.." things quickly click in your mind, everything makes sense.


{16 of January 2011}

{Declan's pov}

I sit alone on the bleachers, watching the sporty kids tackle each other for a glorified plastic egg, I've been at this school for 2 terms and I haven't clicked with anyone. It's hard when you can't speak 40% of the time but oh well. The teachers look at me funny, I'm not sure why. Is it my hair?

My deep thoughts are interrupted by some one sitting near me. Not next to me, near me. He has long dark hair and he's pretty pale, he's almost. Pretty? Huh.

We sit in silence for a few moments until he speaks up. "Who are you?"

"Uhm." what do I say in this situation. "Dec.. land? Declan."

"Oh. Okay." He stays silent, I though I was bad at socialism

"I'm Conan." 


"Can I sit with you?"


{Conans pov}

"Mom?" I look around upstairs for her, she's no where to be seen

"Mooom?" I wait a few moments "In the kitchen."

"What do you want?"

I pause for a few moments "you.. do you remember Declan" she looks at me, disgusted. "Yes, he was. A character wasn't he? I'm glad your over him" 

"Did you ever get any letters from him?"

"Maybe one or two.. pretty short."

The hold I had on my anger slips, what's her deal? "Why don't you like him, what did he do?" I feel myself getting angrier by the millisecond.

"He's you know. An oddball. The hair, the clothes. You know?"

"You mean he's gay." I think I'm about to pop a blood vessel, what is the woman's fucking problem "what's your issue with that? What did he ever do?"

"Come on Conan, don't you see he's a freak!?" She exclaims, stand up from her chair at the kitchen island. "Do you know what he looks like now? His hair is pink! He's clearly a queer! Not to mention one of those.." she pauses heavily. I wait a moment to speak "he's a what.. mom. Say it." "He's one of those transgenders Conan." My heart sinks.. he never said that. "What do you mean? No he's not?!" She looks at me sympathetically "oh honey, you didn't know?.."

"He would've said. He's not secretive. He told me everything, he.."

"Oh my god?"


A/N : this is not me trauma dumping, no way Jose Nuh uh 🙏  writers block is eating me up so please help!

your still mine ; conan grayWhere stories live. Discover now