Chapter 2: Unveil Elysium

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Revenlan Union, Wall of Panama, Agusta 4, 825

After Vice President Quintoni reported to President Fenson about Elysium, he immediately went to contact the Elysians by sending in their representatives.

Their objective: create an alliance with Elysium.

The Revenlan representatives are outside the Wall of Panama waiting for something to happen. There was a gigantic metal gate at the middle so there they wait while some of them are knocking.

A stunning woman with a long brunette hair is waiting with her colleagues. She is head diplomat Serene Asahi, she has a hasian(asian) heritage. She looks like she is loosing her patience as they have been waiting for 40 minutes.

"Do you think these Elysians aren't interested of us?" Her colleague whisper in her ears.

"Impossible, they're humans and we're humans! We humans are always united against those demi-humans, elves, orcs, daemons, and other races that look down on us!" Serene told her colleague so desperately.

As the Revenlan representatives continued to wait, the massive gates of the Wall of Panama began to creak open, revealing a sight that left them in awe. The gates opened slowly, revealing a bustling city on the other side. Tall beautiful spires and structures adorned the landscape.

Serene Asahi's eyes widened as she took in the view, her expectations shattered by the advanced civilization that lay beyond the wall. She turned to her colleagues, sharing a look of disbelief.

"What in the world....?" one of the representatives mumbled.

5 Elysian guards, clad in a beautiful armor that seemed to made out of gold, approached the Revenlan delegation. One of them, Captain Aeliana, stepped forward to greet them.

"Welcome to Elysium. I am Captain Aeliana. State your business." She said with a calm and authoritative demeanor.

Serene Asahi stepped forward, composing herself after the initial shock. "I am Head Diplomat Serene Asahi of the Revenlan Union. We come in peace and seek an alliance with Elysium."

Aeliana studied the Revenlan representatives for a moment before nodding.

"Follow me. The Emperor will hear your proposal."

As they walked through the city, the Revenlan delegation marveled at the advanced technology that surrounded them. It was clear that Elysium possessed knowledge and capabilities far beyond anything they had imagined


Great Palace of New Constantinople

In the Great Palace of New Constantinople, Emperor Constantine XXXII was in a heated discussion with his advisors about the mysterious appearance of the other landmass and the communication from the Revenlan Union.

"Your Excellency, we must approach this with caution. We know nothing about the intentions of these people," one advisor suggested.

Constantine XXXII leaned back on his golden throne, deep in thought while scratching his beard. "Prepare a meeting with the Revenlan delegation. We need to understand their motives and the situation in their world."

Back at the Wall of Panama, the Revenlan representatives were led into the Great Palace for their meeting with the Emperor. The grandeur of the huge palace and the beautiful gigantic city that they just went through left them in awe once again.

As they entered the throne room, Head Diplomat Serene Asahi and her colleague bowed respectfully before Emperor Constantine XXXII, not looking at him directly.

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