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i had a dream that i was at home, there were guinea pigs having babies and there was six already. they were so cute and tiny and i told mum about it. suddenly i'm in a living room with sb19, we were chatting and i was eating ice cream. we were telling jokes, stell said smth so funny that i lost my shit and left the room to go to the backyard for some fresh air. i was still holding my ice cream with one hand and got smth else of my other hand but i don't remember what it was. papa went after me then these ppl came up to me and asked which bday cake did i want and i had two options but i dont remember choosing 🤔

i went back inside but it was just me, stell, uncle and papa in the living room. i found stell's wallet in a plastic bag, i gave it to him and he looked so grateful. he sat next to me, we were chatting and he said a filipino pick up line about coffee and wanting to be together. papa and uncle had some big reactions, when i finally understood the joke i laughed along then asked him if he was joking, he said no and i was lowkey shook 🫨

i asked him again to be sure and he was serious i said 'did you wanna go out together or smth' and he nodded and shyly avoided eye contact with me. when he was talking i was giving my full attention to him and was looking at his eyes from the side since we were sitting next to each other and not across so it was a bit awkward trying to face him and i didn't want papa and uncle to judge me for intensely looking at stell. it was starting to get loud in the lounge and i wanted to talk to stell privately, we went to my bedroom and i closed the door but didn't lock it. i think we kept getting distractions and didn't get to actually talk then my dream transitions to me being with my family and we were having a discussion. apparently we were supposed to move away from someone but ended up moving closer to them, we were looking at a map to compare the distance then my dream cut when back to me and stell 😮‍💨

he started to get hungry so we went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge. at this point i was already calling him baby or babe as if we're together. i told him i wasn't that hungry but i'll eat with him, i suggested egg and rice and he was down for it. i asked him if he wanted sunny side up with runny or cooked yolk and he was fine with whatever and isn't picky with it. while i was getting the eggs, one egg broke and there was two in one so i got it and stell helped me keep the fridge open for me but i saw on the stove that one pan had veggies on it and the other had a pot while a bit of water and the egg was poured in it while the shell was still on so it was like a boiling egg with the top of the shell cracked open. i was too shocked to speak or fix it up, i don't remember actually cooking and eating but i think we did 🥴

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