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i had a dream that i was driving with papa and we went to an aquarium store looking place. i was talking to the staff who was kinda good looking then told him that papa needed assistance. they were talking while i was looking around the store then followed papa while he was carrying a bucket. we made it outside the store to a zoo then saw hippos and seals. papa was giving food to the animals then was getting wet in the water. suddenly jungkook appeared and was fucking around in the water while wearing a full on outfit that he just came back from a shoot, i was telling him to get out bc he didn't have extra clothes in the car then jungkook disappeared and stell (from sb19) came through with friends or staff members 😗

we were hanging out together but i think stell and i were dating or at least a thing bc we were touchy with each other. we were taking photos together, selfies of us, photos of our shadows together, holding each other's hands and all that cute couple shit 🤭 i think we made it home and we were trying to take more photos, i have struggling to take a pic of my hand against stell's to compare our hand sizes, i was asking the others but they were busy doing smth. when the others were finally free to take our photos, i told stell that we should wash our hands first so i dragged him to the bathroom and we were washing our hands together but he was playing around though when i was giving him soap. when we finished washing our hands and drying them i think we were being touchy with each other again and was joking around 😜

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