Chapter 1: Lifetime Supply

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Guest List:
Landon Voyle (The Aspiring Singer)
Katie Azye (The ???)
Tony Misit (The Music Producer)
Matt Chyler (The Stageplay Actor)
Cody Brides (The Rich Kid)
Viara Twintin (The Mystic)
Chelsea Ovemi (The Skater)
Tom Fivit (The Animator)
Nicholas Vione (The Biker)
Carter Misuki (The Professor)
Seth Nivol (The Gamer)
Mera Cinto (The Fashionista)
Veronica Saine (The Influencer)
Hannah ??? (The Florist)
Miranda Heaves (The Makeup Artist)
Carl Hyekr (The Technician)
Ollie Hidign (The Child?)
Aaron Ponders (The Suspicious)
Ruby Hinni (The Puppeteer)
Opal Hinni (The Puzzle Master)
Everyone all entered in, excited for what's to come, but then the entrance closed which some were confused by

Tony: hm, normally in tours the door would be left open incase of emergencies, either this is a trap or they really think there will be no accidents

Hannah: maybe it's just regular protocol?

Katie: I doubt it..

When Tony leaned up against the wall, his elbow pressed a button opening multiple doors that don't lead to an exit

Seth: I don't trust this..

Veronica: don't worry Sethire, everything will be fine

Seth: "Sethire"?

Veronica: has no one ever given you a nickname before, you seem like you'd be a good friend

Seth: uh, okay, that sounds weird..?

Veronica: cmon, why don't we just talk to eachother some more to get to know eachother?

Katie: wait, hold on..

Katie went to touch a button but was pulled back by Opal

Opal: an important rule, if there are multiple buttons, there is a hint for which one is correct

Tony: hm, that doesn't seem like a smart rule

Tony quickly pressed a button and the lights went off


Cody: god dammit, why did you do that?

Tony: w-what is..


Ruby: oh no, this is bad!

Opal: hold on, I'll figure this out!

Opal notices that one of the lights was actually a see in the dark and was green, so she pressed the green button and the lights came back on but what we saw was, quite unexpected..

Landon: is everyone okay?

Hannah: AHHHHHH!

We all turned to see.. Tony's corpse, he was stabbed in the heart while the lights were off, the only possibility was that one of us did it, we all looked around frantically and notice a couple doors were unlocked


Mera: oh dear..!

Aaron: ...

Matt: A friend has fallen!!

Opal: I think this is a death trap, but it seems to be an escape room like one, we need to figure out the puzzles and then we can advance!

Everyone began searching except for Miranda who looked at the body

Landon: hey uh, what are you doing?

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