Chapter 2: A Dollmaker's Dream

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Guest List:
Landon Voyle (The Aspiring Singer)
Katie Azye (The Company Doll)
Matt Chyler (The Stageplay Actor)
Cody Brides (The Rich Kid)
Viara Twintin (The Mystic)
Chelsea Ovemi (The Skater)
Tom Fivit (The Animator)
Nicholas Vione (The Biker)
Carter Misuki (The Professor)
Seth Nivol (The Gamer)
Mera Cinto (The Fashionista)
Hannah Farinare (The Florist)
Carl Hyekr (The Technician)
Ollie Hidign (The Child?)
Aaron Ponders (The Suspicious)
Ruby Hinni (The Puppeteer)
Opal Hinni (The Puzzle Master)
We all entered the room and it looked to have a bunch of dolls and strange wooden toys, Ruby and Aaron both left on their own to look at the dolls and soon, we all scattered around in groups, except for me, Chelsea, and Viara

Viara: we all should stick together, right?

Chelsea: yeah, we should, or else we might be next on the chopping block

Landon: well, the others already left

Chelsea: let's stick together, us 3 as a dream team!

Landon: a.. dream team?

Chelsea: yeah!

Viara: I think that would be nice

We all went off together and then I noticed a conversation going on

Ruby: you can't do anything right sis, you are such a failure I can't even describe it

Opal: ...

Ruby: silence, just what I want to hear from you

Chelsea: hey, Landon?

I noticed Chelsea and went back to the group

Viara: what do you think Ollie meant by like a long black haired woman with red eyes?

Landon: it's most likely true

Chelsea: really, damn, I don't think that's the case

We'd hear a monitor start to boot up and Opal came looking for something

Opal: have you guys seen Ruby?

Viara: sorry, we have not

Landon: I saw her with you last time I saw her

Opal knew I knew about the truth of their relationship, but the monitor booted up making a bunch of noise which brought Ollie to us

Ollie: what's with the noise?

The monitor would show Ruby in a strange room, then needles started to close in and Ruby was glued to the ground. We watched as the needles stabbed Ruby in the neck to the point where her head was cut off and then the monitor shut down

Some were traumatized, some were shocked, and Opal was secretly happy.

Landon: w-what the fuck!?!

Opal: it seems she died, how shameful, glad she died a bitch

Ollie: what the fuck, you are happy about your fucking sister's death!?!

Opal: she was an abusive, self-centered, bird-brain, I'm glad she's dead!

Chelsea: I'm... gonna calm down... away from all this...

Viara: okay, please stay safe though, alright?

Chelsea: don't worry Viara, if you need me, just say my name and I'll be there

Viara: uh.. alright..!

Chelsea left the group, I decided to move away and found Carter hiding something in his bag

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