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Few weeks later thanksgiving break started

Heather: I love when your not in school Holly I get to see you and it's great since I'm doing homeschool as I recover and your at school
Holly: yeah I'm happy that I'm not at school we don't have to see Natasha or stupid Ugly Mike
Heather: you know he is your family so you have to see him for thanksgiving and I know you hate him but still
Heather: what is it dear
Holly: he's dating Laurel and you know what happened to me a year ago
Heather: oh but Prism still should be able to meet her grandparents you know she would love that Hols
Holly: I know but I just don't think it's right if laurel is there maybe another time you know that will be better for me and the family you know what I mean right Heather
Heather nod's and stays silent not wanting to fight with holly
Prism: Mama can we play please she looks at Heather with her cute little eyes
Heather: of course dear we can play she goes with Prism to her room so what do you want to do sweetheart
Prism: let's draw
Heather: okay what should we draw she grabs a pack of paper and color pencil from the table
Prism: thanks mama she starts to draw Heather watches Prism draw she was good at drawing for her age not like the triangle dress people but the sonic characters in good quality of skill
Heather: your a good artist Prism you know your mother used to draw as a kid she was a brilliant girl
Prism: but she isn't really my mom she doesn't raise me she is always in her office or out at the store or somewhere else
Heather: she never wanted me to tell you but she is famous and she also works for the CIA so as you know she is busy and she does all of these things to make sure you live a safe and happy life and when you were first born she stayed in the NICU for a week while you were there she would do anything to make sure you were safe but someone tried to kill her and she couldn't be there for you the first year of her life
Prism: oh
Heather: it's your bed time so I'll tuck you in
Prism: okay
Prism gets in bed and heather tucks her in
Heather: sweet dreams Prism I love you
Prism: love you too Mama
The next day
Heather: wake up Prism
Prism: I'm up already she was wearing a cute baby pink dress with her hair half up half down curled up
Heather: wow you look great P
Prism: thanks nana helped me
Heather: I'm sure she did she rolls her eyes and goes to see her sister Kayla that was living with her and Holly since Kayla and Ashton(Hollys brother) couldn't find a house on the market
Kayla: what's up little sis you seem tried
Heather: I am I just want to have a good thanksgiving dinner tonight and you know be relaxed
Kayla: makes sense don't be mad but I invite Lily over just for thanksgiving break you know
Heather: I'm not mad okay Kayla just tell me next time okay
Kayla: okay anyway me and Ash are planning on having another kid so would I still be able to live here with another kid just asking because I don't want to be a burden
Heather: it's okay don't worry sis just be a good mom okay sis
Kayla: okay
Few hours later they were about to head out Holly and Ashton going to there parents house and Kayla heather and lily going to there parents house
Holly: I think we are ready to go Ash
Ash: do you have a vomit bag for grandmas fruit cake
Holly: oh yes I do I mean it is toxic waste and funny thing is this is the first time I'm going to eat actually food since I woke up from the coma and if I'm good afterwards I'll be able to start eating again
Ash: good thing I asked mom to make you your favorite bread
Holly: yessss I can't wait thanks Ash
Ash: no problem now let's go Ally
At Holly and Ash's moms house
Holly: I hope she still lives here
Ash: me too after a few hours no one comes
Holly: that's weird
Laurel: or is it
Holly: what are you doing here Laruel
Laurel: just saying hi or goodbye
Ash: what is she doing here I thought she was in jail
Mike: you see I got Laurel on bail so she can be with me so you aren't smart Devious or Rose
Laurel: itty bitty little baby, Devious
Holly: leave or else she pulls out her wand but since magic wasn't known to others Laruel just laughed
Laurel: oh looks like we have a Potter head or something but your ugly so you couldn't be one
Ash: fight Cissy you got this
Holly: fine if you say so she starts fighting knocking Laurel to the ground that was easy
Ash: um holly your port
Holly: just tie it up or something let's go back to my place
Ash: okay um sure few hours later
Heather: it's nice to be home
Lily: why do I have to go back to my dorm
Heather: because this is my house now go Lily
Lily: fine I'll go
Heather: okay bye little sis
She turns to holly and Ash
Heather: how was your thanksgiving
Holly: Laurel tricked us ,y port was pulled out by her but I'm okay Ash is fine too it was just a close call
Heather: I guess that means she's on bail right now and could come to hurt you right Hols
Holly: mhm... let's just hope the cops you know... stop her but life imprisonment is needed for her for sure
Ash: I gave to agree with holly on this one... i am not losing my sister again to that monster
Heather: I Kano I know... I'm not disagreeing this time... she has crossed the line for sure and we know that for sure we are going to stop her okay
Holly&Ash: Okay we will

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