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Mrs. Kim: hello student today we are having a new student Kimberly May
Laurel: hey everyone it's Kimberly May
Holly to Ash Holly: she seems off you know Ash
Ash: Holly you have bad feelings about everyone since what happened to you so calm down
Holly: fine but if she tries to attack you don't come crying to me she sits down and looks at her self harm why does my life have to suck so much a tear drops from her eye
Harley looked up at Holly nothing the tears
Harley: things will get better holly trust me I know they will she hugged holly lets go on a walks shall we Hols I know how much you love walks it's always a good thing to have a break from the world you know that first hand
Holly: I know let's just go okay she holds Harley's hand and walks outside I miss my life before the accident I miss seeing Heather in good health I miss being able to do things without fear I could die and worst of all my own daughter doesn't know who I am I hate life so much she stabs her self with her pocket knife
Harley: I'm calling crisis life time I can't see you like this anymore I'm sorry holly but I have too she grabs her phone and calls crisis lifetime while holding Holly's hand
Holly: I don't want you to go back there last time I went to tide me down naked and injected things into me I'm not going back I don't care what you say I'm not going back
Harley: don't do this for me do it for Heather your brother and your daughter they all love you and hate to see you like this so if you can't do this for you do it for them they won't do it again trust me they only did that because you had a ED and almost died from not eating
Holly: but i won't feel safe I don't want to be there I hate it she starts to cry uncontrollably
Few hours later
Harley: is she going to be okay
Psychiatrist: she was in a really bad accident right
Harley: yes she was 10 days after her daughter was born coma for 1 year still having health issues from it
Psychiatrist: I think she has trauma from it, trauma can cause people to feel depressed and then they start to worry thinking things and with her fame and the hate and the threats on her life might trigger something for her like that if she's dead nothing bad would happen to the people she loves and that's what triggers her so what I'm thinking is I'll keep her here give her therapy and things then after some time I'll send her with you but does she still, talk to her parents or is she living by herself
Harley: she lives with her girlfriend and child her child being 2 and her girlfriend being 19 but her girlfriend had an accident I few days ago
Psychiatrist: well I'll probably send her home in a week or so just letting you know
Harley: thanks sir

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