i fight with a small cat-dog

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The fox was annoying to catch.

During my beautiful slumber, I heard five loud voices clamoring outside my den. Blinking open my eyes and wishing that I could sleep, I poked my head out of the den and saw a flurry of fur rush past. They were chasing a small, lithe, red shape with a puffy tail that was running around the center tree and trying fervently to run away.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" I demanded.

The siblings yelped at my sudden shout and tripped over each other, resulting in a heap of warm bodies. Dlhithirk, who was at the top and looked down at his bundled siblings in triumph, said "A fox managed to get into the camp while we were sleeping. Its barks were getting annoying, so we decided to try to get it to erase its whiny voice permanently."

"WE?" Trihtleph managed to squirm out from between Ghitpethal and Fhlotleph; she rolled out and glared up at Dlhithirk. "It was your idea, stupidhead. I told you to 'not make noise right now because Clauchice is sleeping' but of course you didn't listen."

"But we managed to alert the camp that there's a fox," Fhlotleph said in Dlhithirk's defense.

"We would be hunting it if we weren't here right now," Flihkfhur snapped. He heaved himself upward, scattering his siblings everywhere. "Let's stop arguing and concentrate on getting the fox. I reckon that this will only take us a little bit."

Sadly, his prediction was way off. It took the entire morning to come close to catching the fox. It didn't help that the fox would constantly stop, look at the siblings with immense smugness, and taunt them by going into places where they couldn't even squirm into.

The siblings knew this, and their rage led them to tear up a den wall in hopes of grabbing the fox. But once again, the fox squirmed out of their claws and ran away.

I quietly snuck out and flew to Klickhaze's camp, giving her a massive scare as I landed behind her.

"Clauchice." Her sides heaved as she fought to catch her breath. "Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry. Just wanted to tell you that a fox got into our camp and we need your help."

Her eyes sparked with interest. "Oh? A fox?"

"Yeah it just wa-"

Klickhaze dashed off before I could say anything. Stifling a sigh, I shot after her and skidded to a stop to see her and the siblings fighting to get the fox, who always ran away with a smug expression.

It seemed like the fox would get away, right?

A loud yowl came from a tree branch. I looked up to see Dlhithirk bulleting down on to the fox, digging his claws into its sides. It shrieked and tried to run away, but it was weakening due to loss of blood. Taking advantage, Dlhithirk threw the fox into the air and his siblings let out excited yowls as they turned into a ball of whirling claws and fur, tearing the fox apart.

The fox was turned into a messy pile of pulp that looked remarkably delicious. The siblings broke apart and started eating the fox with great gusto.

"You really were hungry," I said as I strode up to them and joined in.

"It's about wintertime," Dlhitirk said. He looked up from his piece and stared at the sky, which by now was coated with a soft gray blanket of clouds.

"The snow is about to fall soon," I added. "You should start getting ready because difficult times are going to come."

Staying with Rachel had been amazing for the past few weeks. I didn't want to leave.

Sadly, my adventure had to continue. On the last few days of my stay, Rachel provided me with a sleeping bag, some snacks, and a small journal that looked normal until she explained what it did.

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