two members of the misfits are punished

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I knew Catwings were fast, but I didn't know they were that fast.

In addition to Star Tail and Jhaufyther chasing each other around, Slaughlitte came up to me and said, "Hey, so I was wondering if you would like to join the competition that's starting in a bit?"

He was referring to this survival game that the Misfits, Riley, and I will participate in. If you're asking about the other people, there's honestly wayyyy too many of them to participate, and besides in total with the Misfits, that's thirty-five people who might not make it to the end, which is in who knows how long.

"I mean," I said, looking down at myself, "I'm a ghost. There's not really anything I can do."

He winced. "Oof; you're right. Well, until you have a true body again, I guess you can just watch."

"I can grab stuff, though." I grabbed the nearest stick for demonstration. "I can just shoot arrows while being invisible if we're going to use bow and arrows."

"That sounds like a great idea, Sam. I like it."

"Thank you!"

"I'm going to go see if Jhaufyther is winning," he said. He walked away but then stopped to look over at me. "I'm glad he's back. We'll need him."

"I am too."

Nodding, he continued to go on his way.

Jhaufyther flew overhead again, but then stopped mid-air and hovered, waiting for Star Tail. I couldn't see him properly so I decided to climb a nearby tree. How did a ghost like me climb a tree? I still don't know to this day.

I could hear Star Tail approaching with a loud buzzing sound. Once he was not far from Jhaufyther, he stopped and narrowed his eyes at him.

Star Tail opened his mouth and hissed: a noise that sounded like a leaking gas pipe. His mouth filled up with a white smoke that made the surrounding sky foggy. Then a ball of fire rose up between his teeth, and he shot it at Jhaufyther.

The ball of fire soon turned into a column that Jhaufyther dodged, and shot it back at Star Tail using his tail as a whip. Star Tail also dodged it and dashed off after him, leaving a white trail behind.

I adjusted myself on the branch I was sitting on until I could see the lake.

The two of them were flying all over each other, blasting fireballs that made the air scorching hot.

Jhaufyther drew back with a mischievous smile on his face, then he grabbed Star Tail's horns and yanked them downwards.

This resulted in Star Tail falling to the ground head over tail, crashing into the lake below him.

Jhaufyther turned upside down and hovered that way. "I told you that I would manage to defeat you," he said.

Bubbles started to form on the surface, and two glowing orbs of light were visible beneath the water.

A moment later, a pure beam of fire-sparkling with small stars-shot up from the water, causing steam to drift everywhere. Jhaufyther threw back his head and laughed. "I haven't seen you do that in such a long time," he called.

Star Tail soon shot out of the lake, his fur dripping wet but his expression proud. "It's more powerful than the last time. Let's see what you can do."

Jhaufyther closed his eyes. The air soon dropped to well below freezing, and I would have been shivering had I not been a ghost.

The sky began to grow dark as gray clouds covered it like a dark blanket. Water spouts touched down on the surface of the water and soon began swirling away from the mainland.

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