Episode 2...

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Few days have passed mama is always drinking coffee
Yet she still looks sick tired,we tried to confront her but it was no use...
I then took mama's coffee and gave it to mama setsuna
Luna artemis and aditya can examine what's inside this drink...
I said to her as she nodded
Sataki?aurora and i will be out in a few,you can rest here ok?
Mama said as i hugged mama sataki
See you later mama!
Its not some normal coffee ey?Well it is an coffee but another special ingredients,its called alluring brew,it can make an person weak and tempted to this coffee,now tell me where did you find this?and where did this came from?
Luna asked while mama was reading the result
Well a few days ago we went out to the park to bond when this man approached us and asked us if we want to go to the newly opened caffe down the street,well we agreed
we tried their coffee and this following days mama started to order the coffee over and over again,she told me she was just tired and that she just needed coffee.
I replied
So sataki-sama has been drinking this for a few days now!?!?
Aditya asked
W-well yes,we couldnt do anything to stop her!
I replied
Tell me,how do you make this potion?
Setsuna asked
Well its origin is from an rare plant called minerva's secret and a black magic,the last thing i know is that flower is an "hard to get" flowers,only does powerful one managed to find and have those,that includes the red sun clan.
Luna replied
Red sun clan?whats that
Setsuna asked
originate from a group of warriors who lived in ancient Japan, trained in the ways of the samurai and developed their own unique fighting style. This could explain their skills with the katana sword, as well as their strict allegiance to duty, honor, and the protection of others,they used to be an faithful warrior but then,they we're thirsty for magic,for more power,they became rebellious and turned away from their duties,this are their following names

1. Princess Pyro: With the ability to manipulate fire, Princess Pyro can create and control flames at her will. She can also generate intense heat waves that can melt even the strongest of metals.
2. Lord Magma: Lord Magma has the power to control molten lava and magma. He can create volcano eruptions and cause earth quakes with a single clap of his hands.
3. Mistress Inferno: Mistress Inferno possesses the power to manipulate and control the temperature of the environment around her. She can create freezing cold or burning hot weather conditions in an instant.
4. Sir Blaze: Sir Blaze can create and control fire at will. He can shoot fire bolts from his hands, create fire walls to protect himself, and set anything on fire at any time.
And lastly prince ignus,
Prince Igonus is the prince and ruler of the res sun he is possessing incredible physical strength, quick reflexes, and superior martial arts skills. He is also a master of swordmanship, wielding a katana with incredible precision and accuracy. Igonus is able to cut through steel with ease, making him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Additionally, Igonus has a strong sense of honor and duty, and he is dedicated to protecting the innocent and vulnerable at all costs. He is a formidable warrior who commands respect and devotion from his followers and inspires admiration in those who witness his acts of bravery,but it all changed,he became merciless due to hunger for power,those 5 are usually connected with the solari peoples even the solari ruler,like queen celesta,princess soleil,and more
Luna replied

To be continued.

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