Episode 4

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Our eyes light up the same time aurora transformed
Thats not sailor aurora anymore!thats sailor eclipse...
I said as sailor eclipse looked at herself at the mirror
Well guardians?!what are we waiting for!?transform now!
Princess soleil's pov
I woke up in a bed as I noticed i was in my sailor form but my hair isnt glowing...and the weakness on my body keeps increasing
I then stand up from the bed as my eyes widened
An two women inside an crystal...it looks like they both got eaten by the crystal
I then approached the crystal to get an better look and...it was neo-queen serenity and neo-queen cembyline!?
My hands slowly started going clear as i immediately backed out
Future and past cannot be in the same place...but what happened to them...
My princess is awake,did you like it?
It was prince ignus,he asked and sat on the chair as i glance at him
If only neo-queen serenity dint interfere...this wouldn't happen...
{flash back}
Narrator's pov
We will protect eachothers until the end!the moon the sun!and the planets!
Neo-queen serenity replied when suddenly prince ignus used his sapping sphere on them for weakness but neo-queen cembyline immediately blocked neo-queen serenity
The crystal ball landed on the brooch of neo-queen cembyline causing the golden crystal to react,making an huge crystal to protect the neo-queen cembyline
Neo-queen serenity's crystal also felt the danger as it also made an huge crystal covering the both of the queens....
{end of flashback}
My brother prince chaos always wanted the queen of the moon...and i always wanted the queen of the sun...i guess we have allot in common.
Prince ignus replied
Prince ignus,you dont have to do this!you can go back to the solari kingdom!you can change for good...allot of peoples are waiting for you..
I replied
Change?i did changed for good!i did this for you!i became your loyal soldier!risked my lives for the kingdom,and for you!But i am tired being an servant...i needed to be the one to have an servant...lets rule the sun together...without proserpina...without aurora...we will have our own family...
He said and started walking towards me as i walked the opposite way when i finally reached the wall
He leaned to me...but suddenly an portal opened
She said and looked at me as the other guardians appeared the same time prince ignuses minions appeared
Sailor eclipse's pov
I then used my small hight to sneak away from the minions of prince ignus when i saw an bug crystal and my mama was inside
Ill save you mama!!
I then took off my brooch and threw it on mama as she catches it as i transformed back
But suddenly i was kicked
Princess soleil's pov
Aurora!celestial crystal power!make up!
I then transformed to my sailor form but i can feel my energy draining
I  maybe powerful now...but without enough stamina and energy i wont be able to use my powers better
I then raised my scepter as bright light appeared that made prince ignus walk back as i immediately ran to aurora when sailor pluto immediately ran to us
Ill take you both somewhere safe!
She said and carried aurora and grabbed my waist
What?no!you guys cant do it alone!
I insisted
You dont have enough stamina!please dont risk your life again!
She said with my head down.

To be continued

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