Chapter 1

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"Ivytail! Dawn patrol!" 

Ivytail blinked open her eyes. "I'm up." She muttered, pushing herself to her feet. 

The clan deputy Flameclaw was standing in the entrance to the den, his orange pelt glowing in the dawn light. She narrowed her eyes against the harsh glare. "Wait by the entrance." He instructed. "I'll send a few more cats to join you."

Ivytail gave a curt nod and slipped past him into camp. It was quiet, and only a few cats were awake. The sun was just barely visible above the hollow, and the sound of songbirds waking pierced the silence. She padded over to the gorse tunnel to wait for whomever would join her, as Flameclaw had instructed. 

"Hey turtle! Looks like we're patrolling together." 

Oh how wonderful. One of my favorite people. Ivytail thought sarcastically. "I've told you before Willowclaw, my name's not turtle." 

Her silver tabby clanmate padded up beside her, her fur smooth and glossy as always. Willowclaw laid her tail on Ivytail's back, who quickly swatted it away. "Would you rather I call you a rouge? That would also suit you, seeing as where you were born." 

Ivytail began to bristle. "I was a kit mouse-brain! I can't control where I was born!"

Another scent filled her nose as a familiar reddish pelt pushed between the two cats. A scar covered face glanced at her then at Willowclaw. "Let's not start a fight this early, alright? Save that for the training hollow." It was Cedarscar.

"She started it." Ivytail muttered, staring icily at the other she-cat.

"Fine." Willowclaw snapped. "But keep your ugly face away from me." 

Hurt glinted in Cedarscar's eyes as he dropped his head to the ground, hiding his scarred face. 

I don't get why everyone makes such a big deal about his face. They're just scars. 

"Come on." Willowclaw meowed. "We need to get going or Flameclaw will be furious."  She added with a glance at the deputy sitting in the center of camp. Every cat knows she has a crush on Flameclaw. I can't blame her though.

The patrol headed out of camp and down near the ShadowClan border. They paused to renew their scent markers, then quickly headed on. Everything was peaceful, and Cedarscar even managed to catch a squirrel on the way back. 

As soon as they neared the camp, Ivytail curtly meowed, "I'm going to hunt by myself for a while." And veered off into the forest before either of the other cats could respond. She trotted quite a way a way until she found herself back near the ShadowClan border. She out a small sigh, the tightness in her chest easing. She felt herself fill with tranquility as the sound of chirping birds and rustling leaves whispered past her ears. I might as well be productive and hunt a bit. 

She began tasting the air for a scent, and quickly picked up the trail of a rabbit. It's meaty scent made her mouth water. She dropped into a hunter's crouch and began stalking it through the lush, Greenleaf undergrowth. When the rabbit was just a fox-length away, she wiggled her hindquarters, ready to pounce. 

Suddenly, a loud rustle sounded in the bushes a little way away. The rabbit shot off and Ivytail hurried in pursuit. It zigzagged around until it disappeared into a hole next to a bush. Ivytail stood up and hissed angrily. "Who was that mouse-brain! You just scared away my prey!" 

An apprentice stinking of ShadowClan stepped out of the bushes. His pelt was a smokey gray color, and his white-tipped ears were flattened in embarrassment. He looked newly apprenticed, judging by the kit-fluff still on his pelt. 

Ivytail's choice: A warrior cats OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now