The Colby Brock?

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"Im actually going to scream again." i say, staring dead at the camera.
Ilovemen37: real.
hearteyesforcol: PLS

I quickly laugh it off, reading a few of the chats in stream. I wave my hands quickly, "Goodnight everyone, love you all, take care till next time." I read the comments, which prioritizes on people saying goodnight and goodbye. "Be safe." i say with a small smile, as i click to end the stream. I sigh, quickly bringing my hands up to my eyes to rub them. I'm exhausted, i've been streaming for two hours, playing roblox.

Don't get me wrong, i love roblox. Some of the games are so stupid it's funny. But, for two hours.. on the same game? Just to lose in the end. Not to mention the fact that i have to edit the footage to make a shorter version for youtuhe. Which, to be real, most of the footage is me screaming, and throwing my headset out of frustration. Some of these games really piss me off.

But, it works out well in the end. I have around a million followers on twitch, whilst on youtube i have about 700 thousand. On other platforms like tiktok and instagram i have somewhere bewteen 400-800k. So, im proud of my progress. Ive worked hard for years now to make it here. i've been working on videos and streaming since the 11th grade. Although i used to get made fun of for it, look who's laughing now?

I sit up, stretching my arms out, and when i tell you it felt so good. After sitting on my ass for hours, finally standing up and stretching out feels like i just saw Heaven. I pick my phone up off of my dresser and make my way to the bathroom to turn on the shower. I yawn as i pick out some shorts and a t shirt from out of my closet. I drop them onto the counter next to my shower.

"Fuck." i groan, I haven't done laundry in at least a week, so the baskets are basically full of clothes. And i only actually have a few more outfits in my closet. I rush to the laundry room, scrummaging through for some towels. I smile as i pick up 2, rushing back to the bathroom. I slide my clothes off, stepping into the shower as I let hot water run down my back. I take a deep breath as i grab my shampoo bottle, squeezing shampoo out onto my hands and run it through my hair.

I rinse it out, then run through my hair with conditioner. I let it sit for a moment while i wash my body. Then, I spend 20 minutes shaving, trying to make sure i'm hairless. Even though it'll all be back in about 5 minutes. I can already feel my legs become prickly like cactuses right now. I turn the faucet off, reaching for my towel, just to realize it's gone. I stare down at the counter in confusion and anxiousness.

I live alone in LA. So, this obviously means robbery or murder. I debate on whether or not to hide in the shower, or to run out of the apartment naked screaming for help. I take one step out of the shower slowly, then the other. I take my shirt and put it over myself, grabbing the shampoo bottle from off the shower sides. I walk forward slowly, ready to launch if someone pops out while i try to get to my room.

"Boo!" I scream as i throw the shampoo bottle in the direction of the sound. By now i was breathing heavily and quickly, but i sigh and look down as i realize it was just my bestfriend. "Fucking hell, Dom. Shit. I should slap the hell out of you." I say looking up at her, she hisses. "Slap ME? YOU hit me with the damn shampoo bottle. I think you bruised my face, dickhead." she says, throwing the shampoo bottle back at me, but i catch it, taking it back to the bathroom. "You stole my towels and snuck up on me! Speaking of, give me my towels." I say, snatching one out of her hands.

"It was supposed to be a joke. Plus, the amount of times i've gotten into your house without you knowing, you should be used to it by now. Who else would be in your house?" I shrug, wrapping the towel around my body. "Someone out to get me. I don't know. Never let yourself be caught lacking." i say, flipping my hair over and wrapping it in a towel. "Never let your self be caught lacking." she says in a high pitched tone to mock me. "How was your day?" she says, acting nice with a smile.

I roll my eyes as i put my shirt on, "It's been fine. I streamed today, got around 200k viewers at some point. Lots of interactions." I say, putting on bottoms and reaching for my phone. "That's really good Ami. I'm happy for you." She says with a grin, i look up at her smiling. I start talking on about the stream and what happened during my game as i scrolled on my phone. I opened instagram as i sat down on my bed, but, before i check my notifications i turn on the youtube app on my TV.

I click on my notifications, but jump at the sight of:

Colbybrock started following you, 3 hours ago.

I click on his profile, HE FOLLOWED ME BACK? His most recent picture had a caption with "Back to my roots. always hard to say goodbye." It was a picture of him with people who i assume are family. I've been a huge fan of sam and colby for a few years now. It's no secret, i think i've ranted to about every friend i have about how "fine" he is. Or how funny. Before my streams started getting more attention i would watch them quite often, but around now i watch atleast 1 or 2 videos of theirs a week. And now the colby brock has followed me back? Maybe it was an accident. There's no way.

I open my instagram dms, but I see a dm from colby himself. I squeal, throwing my photo across the bed. Dominique looks up at me, raising a brow while looking at me as if concerned. "What.. the hell was that?" she asks. "You'll never believe who followed and dmed me." "Uh.. i don't know? Your ex?" i scoff, "He wishes. But no, it's one of my celebrities crushes." i say smiling. "That one guy from shameless?" i shake my head, "No.. he's a youtube." i say.

"You have so many celebrity crushes, it's hard to tell which one you're talking about." she says as she rolls her eyes. "MY FAVORITE celebrity crush. The one i talk about constantly." i say, hoping to give her another clue. "So.. that dude who hunts ghosts?" I nod my head in agreement. "Yes! Colby brock!" "Is he hot?" she asks, "Hell yes. Look!" i say, pulling up his profile. She looks at the pictures of him, and makes a face. "Eh, he's alright. Looks kinda emo." she says plainly "Exactly." i say with a smile. "Well, what did he say?" she asks.

I open his dm, reading it out loud.

Colbybrock: "Hey, I've heard your name around lately, and i've seen a few of your videos. You seem really cool, and you're actually pretty funny."

"He thinks i'm cool! And funny!" i squeal, smiling in excitement. "Shut up, read the rest weirdo." she laughs. "Ok, ok."

Colbybrock: "Anyways, me, Sam, and 2 of our friends are going out to the Queen Anne Hotel to explore and film. It's in San Francisco. I was wondering if you'd like to come along? If you needed a ride there, we could totally come and get you."

"He invited me to go out with them to the Queen Anne Hotel!" i shout out in excitement. "Isn't that haunted or something?" she asks. "Yes.. but, this is huge news, Dom! Not only am i getting to be part of a collaboration, i'm getting to be a part of one with my favorite youtubers! This is big!" she smiles, wrapping her arms around me. "That's awesome. I'm excited for you." she says in excitement for me. "You deserve this." she says softly. I let out a breath as i chuckle, picking bc up my phone.

Ameliastreams: "I'd love to! Sounds fun. I live in Los Angeles, i have no clue where yall are from though. So it may be far."

Colbybrock: "Not at all! So do we lol."

Ameliastreams: "That's great! So, when would it be?"

Colbybrock: "We'd leave out on Wednesday, so in 2 days. I could come pick you up wednesday morning, so we get there by wednesday afternoon."

Ameliastreams: "Sounds good! Would you like my number?"

Colbybrock: "Barely known me 5 minutes and offering your number without me asking? I must be doing something right."

i giggle knowing he was joking.

Ameliastreams: "You must be, huh?"

Colbybrock: "Seems like it. My number is ***-***-****"

I copy his number down, adding it to my contacts before i text the number, hoping it really was him.

Me: "hii"
Colby: "Heyy"

My favorite | Colby Brockजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें