The road trip.

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It's finally wednesday and i'm literally jumping in excitement! Well, i am mentally. Physically im tired as hell. I was up late last night, and literally only because i was so excited for today. I tried going to sleep, but i physically could not due to the excitement. I just laid in bed like a total idiot smiling to myself imagine how it would all go. Safe to say 98% of what i imagined is definitely NOT going to happen. It should be obvious as to why it won't.

My bag is packed, it's just a few outfits, my charger, and basic necessities. Not heavy at all. I hear a ding which indicates someone messaged me, so i quickly bring my phone up. "We're outside", it read. I smiled and practically ran to my door. I quickly stop myself, and take in a deep breath, then release it. I open my front door, walking outside, but i turn around to shut and lock my door before walking over to their car.

Colby is in the passenger seat, while sam is in the drivers. Colby opens his door, reaching his hand out for my bag. "Oh, uh, here." i laugh awkwardly. He must smiles and shakes his head lightly, I watch as he puts my bag in their trunk, nearly blurting out how cute his smile was. Surprisingly what hadn't gone through my head seeing him was "HES SO FINE." That's basically what i think everytime i see a photo or video of him.

I don't know why i chose to stand there watching him as he put the bag up, and walk back to his seat, but i looked stupid, and felt awkward. He opens my door for me, smiling as he does. I can feel my heart throbbing at the sight of his smile, but not just my heart is throbbing. I quickly hop in, taking a seat, and he closes the door as i do. He gets into his own seat, and sam quickly starts the car and starts moving. I wanted to make conversation so badly, but, i'm way too awkward for this. My 2 favorite youtubers and me are in the same car together.

Sam and Colby them selves make conversation with eachother and include jokes, tons of them. I find myself laughing at quite a few of them because of how ridiculous or dumb they sounded. We picked up 2 other girls, which their names were Katrina and Stas. They actually seemed quite sweet and overall cool. They were much better at starting conversations with sam and Colby than i was.

I won't lie, it upsets me that i can't bring myself to talk to the both of them as easily as the girls can. They've probably known eachother longer, which would explain the ease. But, regardless, i still wish i knew what to say or do. I think Katrina could tell i was upset and hurt because she immediately started including me, mentioning my name, and asking me my opinions on certain things, which half the car either agreed or disagreed with. I'm actually happy these two are here as well, especially Katrina for helping involve me in the conversations.

We were driving by and we saw a museum, which i thought looked really interesting. "Guys! Do you think we could stop by that museum for a little?" I ask, looking up into the front seats, they look back at me, then at each other. "Pleasee, it looks so pretty." Stas says. They nodded in agreement, "I was thinking the same thing, you read my mind." Colby says, smiling at me before he looks back ahead. We end up in the museum for a little over 30 minutes, i got some really pretty pictures while we were inside.

But, now we were heading back to the car. We were talking about some of the things we saw in there, but i was really focused on a certain thing i saw. "No fucking way." I hear, it was sam. I look up at him in confusion, he's standing behind the car rubbing his eyes in clear aggravation. "Someone robbed us!" colby exclaims, sighing. "What?" i ask in concern, walking towards the car. The back glass was broken into. "They took my bag man." Colby says, running his hands through his hair as he sighs. He looked pissed off.

We all look into the car, seeing what all had been taken. I look specifically for my bag, but can't find it. "Shit. Did they take my bag?" i ask in shock. Colby runs his hand through the back, but can't find mine. "Looks like it." "Fuck." it's not really what was IN the bag, but rather the fact that's the only bag i had, if anything. Meaning i have no clothes, no charger, none of my other necessities. Im fucked. I could just buy some more things while i'm here. I head over to the side of the car to get my bag from the back seat.

I look in there, but can't find it. "Damnit." That means my keys and wallet are gone, they were in the bag. I left the bag in here because i didn't think i'd need it in the museum. "They take anything else?" Colby asks, coming up from behind me. I turn over looking up at him, nodding. "Yeah. My bag, it had my keys, my wallet and some other things i need." i say, putting my hands on my face. He sighs,

"I wouldn't be freaking out much about this if they hadn't stolen my bag. I mean.. i could've just replaced the simple things i lost while we were out, but i can't even do that. How do we know they're not using our cards and money as we speak to buy shit.. i.." i feel myself tearing up at how upset i was, but quickly stop myself from saying anymore so i wouldn't. He looked into my eyes, I could tell he was in general frustrated. But was trying to keep it low.

"Dont stress too much, alright? The important thing is everyone is safe. We'll figure all of this out." I nod, blinking quickly as i sigh. Stas had something of her own stolen as well, she had her wallet and keys stolen. Meaning she's lost her cards, her id, the basics you'd find in a wallet. I appreciated colby's work in trying to lighten my mood, especially since he had more of his own taken. Guess that's the type of person he is. Colby pulled his phone out, and sam pulled the camera out to record.

"We just got robbed." Sam says. "They took your whole bag?" sam says worriedly. "They took my bag which had my computer in it, all my clothes." i felt bad for him, i guess these are some of the prices of being a youtuber, huh? "We got our car broken into while we were going to go visit this museum right here real quick." sam explains to the camera, he has it facing the two of them. "We were in there for 30 minutes." he says. "They stole our bags, they stole my computer.." he says, "Stole our camera." sam says. "Lights, and all of our ghost equipment, and everything for our videos. So that's gonna be hard." he says. "Stas lost like her wallet, keys.." "Lost my car keys." colby adds on. "Like my ID, everything. It's gonna be a rough day till we figure it out. We're starting with really bad luck." it goes silent as they look at eachother with sorrow.

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