5- Business as usual

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A/n: there won't be much of Clorinde in this chapter it will mostly have Navia in here and some Neuvillette too

I said Navia it wasn't my fault!? It didn't help that Clorinde  argued with me!? Navia sighs and says is that so!? Well, did anything else happen on your way here!? I said Actually yes, I met the legendary Traveler's!? Naiva says Really!? Tell me all about it! I explained the events of what happened up until now. I said And that's what happened!? Navia says Wow! I'm so jealous!? I said now come on Navia we're supposed to discuss my sister's case and the clues we have? Navia says right you are just give me a moment! I nodded Melus says Lady Y/n would you like some tea and snacks? I said Why of course Melus you know me too well! He ordered it for me. And gave it too me I put it down on the table for now I took a sip of tea before putting it back on the table. The four of us took out the clues we have. First we looked at a piece of ripped fabric of my sister's dress from yesterday that she wore? Second was some of her blood that was in a bag, there were drops of blood at the scene when I arrived. Third was a bloody and somewhat broken knife with your sister's finger prints? This clue has  confused quite a bit you can only see her touching the knife in a situation to defend herself from her attacker whoever that is? Fourth is one of her heels it must have fallen off or something similar? The five clue has a chunk of her hair it had to have been cut off by the knife why else would her hair be lying on the ground of the scene of the crime? The next clue was her electro ousia vision she never goes anywhere without her vision there were some drops of blood on her vision. And the final clue was some ripped clothing that wasn't my sister's it was unfamiliar to anyone I had it examined this morning before going to talk along with Lady Furina to help with her surprise for the said travelers visiting. She didn't tell Clorinde was going to be there though? This piece of clothing was also cut off by the same knife once again.

I said that's all of the clues we found at the scene? Navia says I think you're theories of the clues are very accurate? We must find who's behind this, you're father was killed before mine, I know that they're both connected!? I said actually they are? Navia gasps then said How do you know? I said Neuvillette told me 3 years ago a few days after your father's case was put to a close, that the case are connected!? Navia says let me write this down for further reference later on in our investigation!? I just nodded I drank my tea before setting it down again!? Navia says now let's go over the views of the people you interrogate Last night and this morning!? I said let's see Miss Akuo one of the four make up artists for my sister's film she was filming that night, says that after doing Mira's makeup she went to watch the scene that Mira was currently working on. Afterwards Mira said her usual goodbyes to the cast Miss Akuo, walked home seeing two men by the names of Rodney and Robin they were brothers and fans of Miss Mira. They're we're making Mira uncomfortable so she went over to them and told them to leave, Mira alone they left right after. They didn't even say a word or even try to explain themselves they just left just like that. After they left Miss Akuo asked if Mira was alright, Mira said she was fine but seems distressed by something but wouldn't say what when Miss Akuo asked about it. Miss Akuo offered to walk Mira home Mira just nodded which was unusual, Mira has always been one to do the talking instead of others doing the talking. On the way home Mira was quite the whole time looking in every direction as if something was going to happen. But when they arrived to her house she seemed panicked perhaps it was from the two men. Mira said thanks for walking me home Miss Akuo before she shut the door. Miss Akuo returned straight home afterwards.

I said next is Mr Kale Mira's director of the film she was working on. The two of them had been sexasual with each other about 7 times in total. That morning he texted Mira to be here bright and early cause he wanted to, have sex with her before everyone else came to start filming today Mira came and jerked off with him for a few hours before getting dressed. She went out first several minutes before he did so that the other cast members didn't know of they're secret relationship between the two of them. After the flim was over after Mira had said her goodbyes to the cast he cleaned up everything and didn't see after that.

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