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Legend goes that when powerful beings die their power, soul or authority goes in search for a new host.

These people are known as the INHERITORS.

They wield the power of these powerful deities as they see fit. This causes others to hunt them down to either force them to pick a side or be killed.

The first ever inheritor was a small girl who gained the power to cure any and all diseases and illnesses.

She was seen as a saint. Someone that could perform amazing miracles. She was praised and held up high by others.

Her parents used her to amass a lot of profit. She was only allowed to heal those that could pay.

The girl thought otherwise, saying that everyone should have a chance to be helped. Since everyone should help one another.

But her parents where against her ideology. They told her she was naive to the real world and that the should just shut up and do as they said.

This causes her to want her old live back. A life were she was normal and treated like any other little girl. A life were her parents weren't crazy for money.

It went on like this for a while but then she was taken by a underground group who forced her to work for them.

She later on discovered that her healing also affected her. It cause her aging to slow down to the point of being immortal. She never got sick and was immune to ever and any poison, disease and more.

She could still be killed. And that was what she wanted. She out lived everyone she knew. Still held captive and forced to keep the leader from dying of old age.

It was then that another group attacked. They were the group that hated anything unnatural. The inquisitors.

The killed everyone and then they sat her a blaze in front of the whole world. She burned then healed and then burned again. Forced to be trapped in an endless cycle of burning and being restored.

It did not end with her. They hunted anything unnatural. Those with power and from the supernatural fought back.

It was then that world war 3 broke out. The inquisitors although out matched had numbers far surpassing the others.

Their was other group that broke this struggle. THE INHERITORS.

They put a stop to the entire war and brought a world in which all where equal.

The inquisitors broke up into smaller groups that still threaten the current lives of everyone, but they weren't so many due to majority of humanity accepting those with power and those from the supernatural.

Humans then lived with superhuman and monsters.

But even so their will always be trouble. As there is light there will be even greater darkness.

Villains, rogue monsters, evil gods and beings and more started to appear. To counter them two agencies was created.

First was the SDA or the Supernatural Detain Agency.

Second was the Hero Association.

Each dealed with their own problems. But that wasn't the end of it.

Inheritors still started to appear. Some having abilities to shape and change reality.

So every organisation was gunning for them. To have an inheritor was like having and army of thousand or more at your command.

Later on as time passed. A new threat emerge. They were called rifts. They connected to other woulds and cause our world to be connected to a world of myths and legends.

These rifts allowed mana. A energy used by those that control, wield and manipulate magic to use different spells and challenge the very laws of the world.

When the world was gifted with mana earth change.

It was only later discovered that earth's size had increased by 5 times causing new lands to appear and more.

Some fantasy creatures such as elves took up one of said new lands. It became elfheim. Dwarfs did the same theirs being named Adrova. The palace where great weapons and new technology was created.

Laws were change to accommodate everyone.

It was a hard and long process. There were some against it and there were those who agreed to it.

But after 10 years of debating and almost another world war. There was peace between races.

Academies were then creates to hold and teach the next generation of the P.S.M or the powered, supernatural and mythical.

Humans were allowed to go as some of them became respected and powerful mages.

It was the purpose at first but later it change.

Everything change when everyone was faced with the void. It was a dark and corrupted realm from which the most dangerous creatures came.

They were called voidlings. They devoured and destroyed anything in their way.

Humans, powered, mythical and supernatural joined hands to push them back and with the help of some inheritors they were able to seal them.

Once the void was sealed the academy started training students to combat the void shoud it every return.

Peace came once again and was only ever interrupted by someone from the dark side like villains.

Few more years passed and a new group appeared. The blessed. They were people blessed by gods and goddesses.

They were either champion or avatar of these said gods.

There was new sports created. Technology was further developed.

Soon machines or android came as well.

The world continued on but soon there would be a change like never before.

Their would be a new inheritor and one that was feared by the void itself.

It was prophecysed that a being of power unknown would grant his power to a human of strange character that would change all.

Some took it as a joke were as others took it seriously and started to prepare.

This brings us to a young boy cry on the ground covered in injuries and bleeding.

"Get up boy. You are my son and for that you must be strong. So I shall not allow my kin to be weak"

A giant of a man told the boy as he got up. He wiped his tears and took a fighting stance.

"Good you must be strong and disciplined. Now come"

"Ahhhh" the boy charged at the man only to have the wind knoced out of him.

"That is all for today" the man said as he walked away leaving the boy half dead on the ground.

The boy crawled to his feet then dragged himself into his home and then to his room.

He passed a women that looked fragile and two girls that was with her.

He entered his room and stood before a mirror.

"No more. I can't take another beating like this. Screw this family and it's lust for strength and power"

He started to pack his bag with all the assentials he would need on his ran away from home.

He left six prepared letters the jumped out the window and ran into the night.

"See you never old and cruel life"

The boy ran with a smile as he couldn't wait for what awaits him next.

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