The rough road

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Andrew's now 7 years old. When Andrew tried to go back to Answorth Elementary they said Andrew is now expelled and not welcomed to the school anymore. Then Andrew was sent home and he cried in his room thinking he was going to have to go back to Phionex. But instead he was sent to another school that wasn't for bad students. It was called Balderas elementary school. Could this place be a normal school? Andrew had a normal day there. He was alone as usual and more quiet than usual and always but he didn't go and sit outside during lunch. He decided to actually do something with his lunch time. He asked the cafeteria people if he can do any work for free. The cafeteria people said "yes you could. You can get a broom and sweep the whole cafeteria floors cause all the students leave a huge mess." So then Andrew would usually spend lunch time cleaning up the cafeteria. He found it a little intertaining. Then in class his teacher was very very strict and had so many rules. Her name was Mrs.Xiong. And she always had her eyes on Andrew in class. Andrew wasn't taught well in his old school's because he was always sent to the office or in detention. So Andrew needed serious help understanding his current grade. He was in the 3rd grade and when he asked his teacher for help with super easy math his teacher said "What kind of kid can't do this math? It's literally easy work. Plus the rest of the class is able to do it." Andrew was trying to hold in his tears and tried to explain. But before he even said a word his teacher said "If you want extra help then you can have it but I'm not gonna teach you that cause it's hard to believe your this useless". The next day Andrew got a second class for 30 minutes once everyday. When he went to his extra helping class he saw about only 4 other students in that class and Andrew noticed something was very wrong with them. One student had a rubrics cube. The second was making baby drawings. The third was rocking his chair back and forth. The fourth was making random noises with his mouth. And there was a teacher who was very old and rude. She then said for everyone to do their work on their own. Andrew thought he was gonna get help for learning but he couldn't speak up to say what he needed to say. So he stayed in the class for the whole year. Andrew then was picked up from school by his grandma and he was confused cause he was usually picked up by his mother. He asked his grandma "Where's mom?". His grandma then said "She's in the hospital. She just had a baby girl." Andrew didn't know how to react so he just said "oh. ok". The past few days of school Andrew had multiple bullies that were after him everyday. For every recess and every lunch. He tried to tell the teachers about his bullying situation but the teachers always said in a mean way "Are you bleeding? Are you gonna die? Why are you wasting my time with your problems? Tell your parents then. Not me you little idiot". The bullies would always wait for Andrew to be away from staff so they can hit Andrew. Because the bullies knew they had so much power over Andrew's school life they all agreed to make Andrew's life a living hell. They made it look like Andrew was always making problems around school. Framing his name and face to everyone. This made Andrew get called in to the office everyday. The principal would call Andrew's parents everyday saying what happened. Andrew would hold in so much tears and slight anger in him cause he is getting pushed for things he didn't do. After Andrew was taken home by his dad his dad said "Y'know what we said right? I'll be right back with the belt" Andrew tried to quickly explain but his dad was thinking Andrew was lying. Andrew really tried to tell the truth but his name a face was now seen as a bad apple. This type of thing repeated everyday for a long time. From being bullied at school and told mean things to going home early and getting the belt. He couldn't ever catch a break. He never could have a normal day. He wished that he could talk out loud.

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