Chapter Two: Grazed Gears

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Luci swiftly leaps back, causing a medical tray to topple over in her haste. Her hand instinctively darts towards the dagger secured on her belt.

"I promise you will not get very far with that course of action, Fallen Aasimar." The figure says, in a robotic tone, pointing to the dagger. Luci's eyes narrow as she lets out a menacing hiss at the mysterious figure upon hearing the words 'Fallen Aasimar.' In a swift motion, she unsheathes her gleaming dagger, ready to defend herself.

"Oi! What the hell are you two doing?" The Air Genasi halts her conversation with Moonshot and sprints over, concerned.

"Ah, Wetiko, ma'am. This Fallen Aasimar standing before us appears to be unharmed. Pray tell, what brings her to this place?" The mysterious masked figure responds.

Luci's eyes shorten with anger as she lunges at the mysterious figure and stabs him in the stomach. The dagger pierces the figure's skin just to be met with the loud crunching of metal.

"Holy shit, La Plaga, are you okay?!"


Luci's scream echoes through the air as she quickly retreats, leaving the dagger in the stomach of the figure, now identified as 'La Plaga.' Wetiko Windkissed pushes aside Luci as she tends to La Plaga, prompting Moonshot and Arthur to approach swiftly.

"Luci, what the hell happened?" Moonshot says concerned.

"He kept referring to me as 'Fallen,' but that's not who I am. I'm just an Aasimar." Luci says quickly and slightly with guilt.

"I'll tell you what happened, Moon! Your unstable pet project just stabbed La Plaga!" Wetiko struggles to pull out the dagger. With a determined pull, she yanks at it forcefully, finally extracting it from La Plaga's stomach, only to discover the once pristine dagger blade now twisted and deformed.

"Luci, that isn't right, it's just words!" Arthur quickly yells out. "That's all the doc was saying! Words!"

"I'm fine"

La Plaga's distinct automated voice rings out through the commotion, "As Miss. Windkissed here can tell you, not everything as it seems."

"He's right," Wetiko says, examining the stab wound covered in blue liquid.

"He isn't flesh and blood."

"I know he isn't, it's not a surprise."

Moonshot looks at the floor. As he says this, he sighs and looks at Wetiko. He then quickly turns to Luci, "La Plaga didn't mean anything by it, Luci. He hasn't been informed. I haven't had the chance to tell him that you hate being called that."

"What the hell is he, Moon?" Arthur says as he stares at the stab wound leaking that blue liquid. 

"Warforged, a metal construct. Hailing from the kingdom 'Golden Spine.'" Moonshot looks back at La Plaga.

"I was a slave there once. All Warforged are." La Plaga cuts in, "I'm sure they still consider me a slave there." La Plaga puts a hand on his wound, blocking the view.

"Why do you have false skin?" Wetiko asks the Warforged. 

"It was both a choice and a requirement."

"How do you mean?"

Moonshot cuts in with a clear throat as he stands by the masked Warforged.

"Have you ever heard the story of the 'Metal Warmachine'?"

"Moon, we don't need to talk about that part of my life, sir." La Plaga says now actively looking for a stitching kit. Arthur now has his eyes transfixed on the red beak mask that the Warforged is wearing. La Plaga finds a stitching kit nearby and turns away from the group, presumingly stitching himself up. 

"All you need to know is that this Warforged is a demon on the battlefield and is a very skilled doctor and medic. I trust him with my life like I trust all of you." Moonshot says, clearing his throat again, stopping Arthur from staring any longer. "Now, Miss. Windkissed? La Plaga? We came over to this tent so Luci could get some help." Moonshot motions for Luci to speak.

"You see, my VVarg is injured gravely. I'm worried that he is going to die." Luci says with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry to have injured you, La Plaga."

"No matter, you barely grazed a gear. Next time, please just say what you need instead of stabbing me. I'll also make sure not to call you 'Fallen' in the future." La Plaga turns back around, setting the stitching kit on a nearby table, his 'wound' masterfully stitched shut. "That poor dagger took more damage than I did." 

"Does this mean that you will help my VVarg, Plaga?" Luci says, her eyes instantly showing relief and excitement.

"If Miss. Windkissed can spare me." La Plaga says, looking toward Wetiko, his automated voice shining through. Wetiko waves him away, still in shock from what had occurred not even minutes prior. La Plaga accepts this and motions for Luci to lead on. The two leave, leaving Arthur, Moonshot, and Wetiko in the sea of injured. 

"Why didn't you tell me he wasn't flesh and blood?"

"I didn't find it to be that important."

Wetiko and Moonshot stare at each other, both steadfast and unmoving. Wetiko goes to speak again but is interrupted by Arthur.

"Moonshot has his reasons. Besides, you heard him, he's an asset! Plus, if he's who Moon says he is, I'd want nobody else to fight by my side." Arthur says with a twinge of excitement in his voice. "Especially if we are to battle with FANG in the morning." 

"We need to talk about that." Wetiko jumps in, pushing aside her problems with La Plaga. "We have no more blood and are steadily running low on resources. I fear this battle may be our last if we can't get more supplies." 

Moonshot takes a brief pause, allowing the weight of those words to sink in. His gaze falls upon his wounded warriors, a look of profound sorrow etched on his face. The passing months have been arduous, yet the tally of injured and deceased continues to grow. He then looks at Arthur and Wetiko; their faces carry worry but determination. He then focuses on Wetiko, her eyes constantly glancing at her patients. 

"Wetiko, send a bird. Let's plead for more resources from Killlgate. I'm sure Fae will send some more." Moonshot finally says, his heart heavy.

"You sure? Isn't it risky?" Wetiko asks, surprised.

"How else will we get the supplies?" Moonshot sighs worriedly. Arthur stares at his exhausted leader before going by his side. Moonshot smiles at his dwarven friend, "Wetiko, remember to give the new warriors coming in tomorrow their examinations. Send any unfit home. I don't need any more deaths due to being unfit for a battlefield."

"Moon? Let's go get you some sleep, yes?" Arthur interrupts,

"We have a long day ahead of us."

The two bid Wetiko goodnight and make their way to their respective tents.

Moonshot strips down to his skivvies and dusts off his armor and sword, putting it at the foot of his cot. He crawls into the cot, staring up at the leather of his tent.

He drifts off.

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