Chapter Three: Had a Feeling

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The inky black morphs around the mind, forming stars in the night sky. The sky swirls around until the stars start creating shapes and patterns.


The constellations are incompressible and are foreign. Each seems to be telling a story, but none ever heard of it. They slowly start moving, animated.

The Goat







Bows & Arrows



A Broken Heart




A Handshake

The constellations seem to clash against each other with vigor. Eventually, they surround The Goat surrounded by the second group. Suddenly, the constellations all disappear, and only the inky void remains.


A voice says, ethereal-like.

"Moonshot, survive."

The voice cries out again.


Suddenly, Moonshot awakens.

"Sir, welcome back to the land of the awake," Arthur proudly says. Moonshot momentarily stares at his dwarven companion, allowing his eyes to adjust to the morning light.

"You mean living. The saying is, 'Welcome back to the land of the living.' What can I do for you, Arthur?" Moonshot says, leaning forward, allowing his linen covers to fall off his chest. The left half of his chest is covered in one big old burn scar, which also covers his left arm.

"FANG has sent a messenger crow," Arthur says, "Says urgent." Moon's eyes roughen as he watches Arthur brandish a rolled-up parchment. Arthur slowly hands the parchment to Moonshot.

"Was this to us or was it intercepted?" Moon says as he hesitantly takes the parchment.

"To us."

Moonshot tears open the wax seal and rolls open the seal.


In an instant, the serene atmosphere within Moonshot's tent was shattered by a violent explosion, causing wooden debris and animal skins to be hurled into the air. Where there was once a tent is now debris, fire, and scorch marks. In the smoke stands a figure covering another, smoke rises from the figure's back like an inky blank void. The figure coughs a little revealing himself to be Moonshot protecting Arthur. He stands up straight revealing that he is still shirtless, his burn scars visibly throb. He backs away making the nearby smoke dissipate allowing Arthur to stand up. Moonshot quickly throws on his armor and grabs his gear, he finds his bow shattered and burnt on the ground; a ranger's greatest shame. As he exhales, a mixture of exhaustion and anticipation fills the air. His gaze falls upon a nearby chest, beckoning him to explore its contents. With a flick of his wrist, the lock gives way, revealing a world of possibilities. Within the chest lies his faithful Tachi, a companion that has never failed him. Yet, it is not the only treasure to be found. Nestled beside the sword rests a carefully wrapped enigma, a long object that holds secrets. He slowly unwraps the object revealing it to be a long musket. He runs his fingers across the barrel and takes it into his hands, along with the tachi.

"Sir, you just saved my life. How did you know?" Arthur says, readying his hammer.

"Just had a feeling," Moonshot says darkly, as horns sound, around the camp. "Let's go quickly."

Moonshot rushes off, Arthur following behind. Moon's armor is marked with scorch marks and soot, as he runs through his camp ordering people to stay alert and get to safety. He straps his tachi around his hip as he continues. He notices a shirtless bard in a jester hat escorting people out of the camp into the nearby swamp alongside a rather lanky tiefling with white skin and black splotches, wearing tattered but regal clothing.

Moon makes it to the camp front gate and turns to Arthur. "Gather my fighters along with Wetiko, Luci, and La Plaga. Gods help us." With a burst of speed, Arthur races away while Moonshot peers through the camp gates, catching sight of distant torches casting their smoky glow. A quick estimation reveals that FANG's arrival is imminent, mere minutes away. He looks down at his musket and loads gunpowder and a ball bearing into it, readying himself. He watches as more and more people leave through the swamp, most likely the civilians that lived with G.A.S.T, bards, and such. He turns his head towards the barrack tents and watches his warriors start gearing up and marching towards him. He smiles slightly seeing these men and women still wanting to fight with him. Luci, Wetiko, Arthur, and La Plaga rush past the group. Luci is riding her VVarg, Hornet, it seems better as it gracefully runs past.

"Luci, I see Hornet is doing much better!" Moonshot says as the group makes their stops at his feet.

"La Plaga fixed him up. Right as rain!" The Aasimar woman laughs out delighted before Arthur cuts between them.

"Sir, sit rep?" Arthur says eagerly. His stance is one of a shaken yet determined warrior whom the gods don't bind. Moonshot gazed beyond his boundaries and was awe-struck by a power so strong, it could rival a lavish feast. The sheer number of them, thousands to his mere hundreds, lingered in his mind like a haunting specter.

"Arthur, the situation doesn't appear favorable. They have a considerable numerical superiority over us." Moonshot exhales heavily as he turns to look at his fellow soldiers. "If anyone doubts our ability to emerge victorious and wants to return to their families, you have that option." Several soldiers glance at each other before a handful break away and exit through the swamp.


Arthur roars out at the few soldiers who left, clearly hurt by their decision.

"I forgive them"

Moon sadly says watching them escape to live another day. He puffs out his chest to shake off his nerves and looks back to the remaining warriors. "Thank you for staying, here's the plan...." Moon is cut off as screams echo through the swamp and the same shirtless jester that Moon saw helping people escape, runs from the swamps and towards the group.

He quickly is face to face with Moonshot resting his lute at his feet, "Sir, FANG invaded the swamp, and killed that last group of people, the only survivor was the tiefling helping me." The bard says panicked.

"Rest, son! What is your name?" Moon says gently, he puts a hand on the bard's shoulder.

"Istoriya. Istoriya Rasskazchik, sir." Behold the shirtless bard, his body a canvas of storytelling tattoos. He rocks a blue and purple jester's hat, pants with a brown belt, and sturdy boots, all complemented by a golden crown-shaped belt buckle. A red half-face mask adds an air of mystery to his ensemble.

"You did good Istoriya. Can I count on you in this fight?" Moon softly says."

"Yes, sir," Istoriya says quickly picking up his lute and readying it.

"Excellent," Moonshot withdraws his hand from the bard's shoulder and pivots towards his army, "We require a formidable squad to handle the cunning FANG group lurking in the treacherous swamp. This mission will be led by Luci and Wetiko, who will spearhead the swamp team." Luci and Wetiko look at each other before shaking their heads and grabbing over half of the army to recapture the swamp. Moonshot stares as they detach from the group and raid the swamp.

"Sir, What will we do?" Arthur quickly says as if trying to butt in. Moonshot doesn't respond for a moment as he looks at his tired soldiers, envisioning each death knowing that they might not get out of this alive.


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