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Height: 4.8 

Body: Nice figure with long ginger hair, golden blue eyes, sun kissing skin, with freckess, small waist, pink lips and big breast.

Like and dislike: She likes peaches, cooking, knitting, taking care of her monkeys, dancing, music and sweets. She doesn't like crowded place, being on stage, very hot food and showing a lot of skin.

Age: 26 years old.

Status: single (for now) but live with an army of monkeys, maid. 


Height: 6.4

Body: Short black hair, kind of buff, golden purple eyes, tanned skin.

Like and dislike: He likes mangos, reading, writing, music, puppets, shadow showns and being on stage. He doesn't like loud noises.

Age: 27 Years old.

Status: Single, prince.


Height: 6.4

Body: short snow white hair, kind of buff, dark purple eyes, tanned skin.

Like and dislike: He likes plums, reading, writing, music, puppets, playing video games, shadow showns, being on stage, drawing, flirting with girls and pranking people. He doesn't like loud noises.

Age: 27 years old.

Status: Single, crown prince.

Red Son

Height: 5.2

Body: long ginger hair, tanned skin, red eyes, nice curves, small waist, medium since breast and a scar in the form of a X on her cheek. 

Like and dislike: She likes hot spicy food, building things. She doesn't like people, getting interrupted. 

Age: 25 years old.

Status: Single, daugther of the general Bull.

Qi Xiotang/Mk

Height: 6.3 

Body: Short brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, kind of buff.

Like and dislike: He likes any kind of food, drawing, playing games with his best friend Mei, talking to Wukong and the little monkeys. He doesn't like spiders.

Status: Single, Body garde.

Age: 25 years old.


 Height: 5.9 

Body: Short black hair with some green in buns, green eyes. 

Like and dislike: She likes any kind of food, playing games, her best friend and her wife. Doesn't like anoying people.

Status: Married, Body garde.

Age: 25 years old.


Height: 4.9 

Body: Long braided black hair, green eyes, nice curves.

Like and dislike: She likes anything, singing, plants and animals. She doesn't like having a lot of atention.

Status: Married, Servent.

Age: 24 years old.


So just so you don't get confuse This " is when they are talking, this * is when they are thinking and this ' use in a call.  

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