Part 2

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Wukong's p.o.v:

Pif knock on the door "Come in" was heared form the inside. Iron Fang open the door to a office room with a back desk two chairs where infont of the desk and behind was sit a woman with black hair in a bun and blue cloting. The woman looked up from her laptop and smilled at the girls "Hello Iron Fang! I guess she most be the new girl?" Princesse Iron Fang walk in with Wukong following behind her a little awardly closing the door behind her "Yes, that her." "Good morning! My name's Sun Wukong miss..." "Chang'he" "Miss Chang'he" said Wukong while bowing. 

(After the interview)

"Well your hired welcome!" said Chang'he "Thank you very much miss Chang'he!" said Wukong while bowing "Now now call me Chang'he please." "Alright miss-i mean Chang'he" Wukong quickly correct herself, Chang'he nod "Well Red son will shown you your room and your uniform for work." Just then a knock was hear "Come in." said Chang'he "Miss Chang'he you had called after me?" asked a girl with long ginger hair in a pony tail wearing a maid dress "Yes, Red son i whant you to take Wukong to her room and shown her the girls uniform" She said with a smille "Alright, please follow me." Wukong stand up from her sit thanking PIF and Chang'he before following Red son "She's really cute do you think so Iron Fang?" asked Chang'he after the girls left "Yeah she is, but you better get back to work." she said taking her leave "See you later." Pricesse Iron Fang said before opening the door to leave "Later." Said Chang'he as Iron Fang walk out.


Wukong and Red were walking down the halls still they stop infront of a door Red then trun facing Wukong "This is your room, your uniform will be on the bed come to the main hall after getting dressed."  She said pointing at the door "The main hall is just at the end of this hallway." she said again as she trun around to leave "Alright got it." Wukong said as she wait still Red left before opening the door.

She open the door to find that they had decorate her room but she liked it she could even come with her monkeys. 

How does the room look like:

How does the room look like:

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