Chapter 3: Writing Love's Tale

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I intentionally lost my pen, so I could talk to Benjamin. I lingered near his usual spot in the quiet corners of the library, waiting for him to settle down. My approach was abrupt, possessive almost, as if claiming the empty seat next to him was a declaration of ownership. A possessiveness that surprised even me.

After a few seconds, I initiated the conversation, "Hi, I'm Adeline Clover", His intense gaze made me fear that he might hear my heart pound audibly.

     "And?" he coldly replied, his eyes unwavering. Wow, what an attitude.

"And I lost my pen and was hoping I could borrow some of yours," I awkwardly responded.

     His gaze lingered on me, that made me anxious about being rejected. To my surprise, he handed me an expensive-looking pen, a gesture that spoke more than words ever could.

"This looks expensive," I mumbled, examining the pen as if it were more precious than life itself.

     "Take your time and give it back when you're done," he replied to my mumbled comment.

"Meaning I could borrow it for as long as I want?" I teased.

     He leveled me with a skeptical look. "If you actually use it." He teased, grinning

Did he just tease me? That cheating, my heart wasn't prepared for that smirk

"Oh, I'm going to use it." I intended to use it to write our love story, a thought that brought an unconscious smile to my face.

     "Benjamin Charles," he introduced himself out of the blue.

I smiled, "Hi, Benjamin. Nice to meet you."

     He returned a soft smile, and at that moment, I fell hard for him.

I glanced at the people staring at us, it was mostly girls who obviously liked him. They're probably wondering why we're together.

"Let's date," I announced abruptly, catching him off guard with my boldness

     "Date?" he asked, seeking confirmation.

"Yes, we'll go out and hold hands," I excitedly replied. "Wait, do you have a girlfriend?" I questioned suddenly, desperately hoping for a negative response

     "I don't, but I would love to take you out," he answered, smirking and gazing at me deeply.

"Oh no, I'm the one who asked, so let me do the honors," I teasingly insisted.

     He chuckled, "Okay, Adeline," admitting defeat.



End of Flashback



When Ben vanished, I was so devastated that without the agent's assistance in guiding me outside while they discreetly removed traces of Benjamin from the apartment, I might not have mustered the strength to leave. They guided me outside, making sure I didn't take government property or disturb the traces of Benjamin they were about to remove from the apartment.

I was so lost till I stumbled upon a notebook in my drawer, one Ben always carried but never allowed me to look. Shockingly, the handwriting is so familiar because it's my handwriting.

A Reset Love Story by Addy

A tear fell onto the page as I realized it was his last attempt to leave something for me, something the government wouldn't take away.

I found pages filled with memories of us, I was taken aback, it held memories of us, written in my handwriting, yet I had no recollection of writing them. Each page unfolded a tale of how we met and fell in love, moments that felt familiar yet distant dreams from a time I couldn't remember.

I was shocked to see that there was indeed a time when Ben and I shared something special, even though these memories were vague to me now. The notebook held onto our love story, even if my own mind couldn't.

Reading about our connection made me feel emotional, even though I barely remember those moments. The notebook became like a secret doorway to a past that was both familiar and far away.

Even though the system took Ben away and cleaned up any signs of him, they couldn't erase the love in those pages. I held onto the notebook, a special connection to the love that didn't disappear.

As I flipped through the pages, tears fell when I saw his handwriting. There he was, continuing to write in the notebook sharing the story of our second meeting like a new season of our love, a memory I remember too well.

He poured his heart out, and I couldn't help but cover my mouth, afraid I might cry. His writing is so good that it could become a bestseller, unlike mine, which seems like a love story written by a child. He began with our first meeting at the party, and his words made me relive the atmosphere, the laughter, and the teasing as if I were back in that moment.

*One year and half a month later*

One Year and 3 months left before Adeline's Reset

A year and a half has passed since Ben's reset, and I am still nowhere near finding him. I continue turning the pages of my notebook, crying as I relive every detail of our love story. What keeps me going is reading the entries he continued in my notebook. I can sense his internal struggle, his mixed emotions, and his desperate desire to find me while sparing me the despair. Reading his words feels like he's with me and that we're on this together.

Every day, I read his words, finding comfort in the story he left behind. Vague as it may be, I remember everything as I read through the notebook. It comforts me, serving as proof that our love isn't just a dream but a reality.

As I was about to leave the café, someone entered, and we collided. Panicking as the notebook fell, I heard a voice say,


I froze at the sound of the voice I'd longed for, looking up to see Ben. I ran into his arms, assuming he remembered, but he pushed me away.

     "Who are you?" he annoyingly asked, a stab to my heart.

Before I could explain, a woman entered, "Care to introduce me to her, babe?" Emotions stirred within me, causing immense pain in my heart.

It's not his fault, I know, but I felt betrayed. Every word in the notebook seemed like a lie, and so was our love.

"I don't know her" he coldly replied, again, a stab to my heart.

In a few words, my envisioned reunion crumbled. Mixed emotions overwhelmed me; I might feel betrayed that he found someone new, but I'm happy he is well. Suddenly, I remember when he told me how he feared that I might have found someone new but ironically he was the one who found someone new.

Unable to catch on with my feelings, tears streamed down in front of him. Panicked, I ran outside, hearing people shout as everything became blurry. Desperate to escape, I felt someone pull me hard, and I realized I had nearly been hit by a car.

     "Are you crazy, woman?!" Ben shouted, out of breath. I pushed him away, asking, "Why do you even care?"

     "I don't care, but if you run like that, I..." he couldn't finish his sentence, appearing confused about the words he wanted to say.

I noticed his girlfriend approaching, saw him holding the notebook, and snatched it away. "Goodbye," I said, leaving him bewildered.






Till We Remember: A Reset Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora