Chapter 1

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My chest tight, breathing heavily, my ears ringing. My hands quivered over my ears; while my tears dripped into the dark lake. My heart was pounding. The last thing I could remember was being hit with a bright, loud, chirping thing coming from Kakashi's hand. I should be dead, he hit me in my heart, but why can I still feel pain? if I'm dead I shouldn't be able to fell anything, right? Is this all a dream or something? This is hurting my head, "I just wanna go home..." I said out into the dark chamber.
It was filled with murky water. When i stood up my feet made disgusting noises in the slop below me. It sounded like i was walking in thick curdled blood. There is no way this is heaven.
This has to be hell.
Did I really go to hell? Was I really that bad to him? I know what I did to him was wrong but, am I really going to hell for a dumb mistake? That could be the only explanation. Obito must be in heaven and I must be stuck here, in hell. That's why I can't see him isn't it.
I looked down. I thought I could see him again, or at least apologize. I didn't think I'd be getting this. My eyes got wet as I fell to my knees re-evaluating everything I had done, "I...I'm an awful person.. aren't I.." I asked, expecting an answer from who knows what.
"Even on the inside you look like a pathetic little girl.." My eyes shot opened in fear.
"W-who's there?!..." I squinted as the dark fog started to clear. I stood there with my legs helplessly shaking. I stumbled back in terror looking at the huge beast.
"The damn three tails. You don't even remember I got sealed in you, do you? Ha! This was a bad fucking decision." He scoffed at me.
Right then I thought back to me and Kakashi running away from the Mist ANBU. I got chills as I remembered the terrible feeling. When I remembered the three tails chakra filling my body made me stiff, "T-that was you....?" I looked up at the powerful creature in awe.
"Yes. it was" his voice was raspy. He gave a loud sigh, "You're still scared, aren't you?"
"What do you think?!.. everything just happening so fast and I'm just so confused-"
"It's confusing me too... after all I just made a decision that decides my future and I fucked it up " he paused, "They've been trying to capture me for years... but if I was in you they can only try and catch you.. which would be considerably harder because you're a human..." he frowned, "but you're just a helpless little girl! And it's less spacious then my lake.." I cocked my head, "I'm sorry, I'm confused..?" His big yellow and red eyes beamed on me as I asked the question, "I saved you from death. I thought you know how to use chakra control... which if you're a Nohara.. you should be able it quite well. I thought. But now I can see you're weak and will never be able to survive!" My eyes widened, "how do you know that I'm a Nohara..? And you expect me to protect you?" He chuckled in a sinister tone. "You have purple cheeks and I thought you were older.. or at least mature." I looked down as my fingers grazed my cheeks. I heard water drops fall hitting the disgusting water. "Look.." he sighed, "for all of your troubles that you will have to suffer through because you are a jinchuriki... I will let you use my power for.." I raised my eyebrow, "I'm dead... did you forget that part..." I spat getting a bit sarcastic, "this is my damn hell.. and you expect my dead heartless body to be alive..."
"This is why I don't like you humans... you are ungrateful for everything!" He yelled. "I saved you now get up and act like you're happy about it!" I looked around the room for a moment thinking about what he just said. "If you saved me where am I? And how am I waking on water if I'm not even putting any effort to keep chakra at my feet?"
"You're in your seal... This is where you will come every time you see me or talk with me... Right now your human body is resting... I could barely repair your heart so it will take time for it to be fully functional. why did I think you would be any different.."
"I-I'm sorry... I'm not normally like this..." My voice shook as I thought he might kill me with my attitude toward him. "But I shouldn't take all the credit... Your friend helped too.." my mind raced, "But... kakashi passed out because of the sharingon.. right?"
"He's still unconscious but there's another guy who saved you... he has spiky hair.. that's about all I can really make out." I looked down thinking it was probably Minato saving us from our mission that we yet again failed.
"That's probably my sensai... saving us.."
"I mean yes, he did save you but I don't think a sensai would kill every single ANBU.." I raised my eyebrows, "Wait.. wait wait.. all the ANBU are dead?!" I started panicking knowing there was no way that was Minato.
"Is.. he.. still there..?"
"Yes, he's actually holding you.." I looked aroundwith my mind spinning. Nothing was adding up, who could this be?
"Wait... how can you see what's happening yet I can't!?" I raised my voice.
"I am Isobu. I can sense things very well, especially with vibrations and sounds. The certain waves of each motion and noise creates an outline of a thin or person. though I can sense him I cannot see him." I took deep breaths.
"How long is it going to take for me to wake up.." I picked my toe up tracing circles in the water.
"At bare minimum a day."
"Is there any way I can wake up sooner.." I was so curious on who this guy was I couldn't help myself.
"If you really want to wake up there is a way but.. I wouldn't recommend it.."
"What would that be?" I said starting to get anxious.
"You will extend the rehabilitation process by a lot and you might end up with heart issu-"
"I can risk that!" I don't know what got into me. For some reason the thought of an unknown man holding my lifeless body didn't set right with me. It upset me more than should've. I looked back up at him but when I did it started raining. Water started to flow down my face as I got pulled under the dark depths. I started choking with the lack of oxygen supply.
I felt stiff with my eyes vibrating.
Flem came up my throat as I coughed out blood.
I could feel arms restraining me.
Muscular man arms.
I heard a raspy male say my name over and over to me. I could feel him shaking me to get my attention. I felt as if I couldn't control my body though. I wanted to give this man my attention but my body wouldn't let me. My mind slowly slipped away from the human and onto my body. My mouth felt different. I felt razor sharp teeth grind against each other. My vision also felt messed up, I can only see shades of red.
My mind felt detached from my body not noticing a thing that I was doing. All I could tell was that I was screaming. Trying to get out of this man's grip.
As my mind started to slip back into my body I heard a scream. The taste of iron filled my mouth. I saw dark red dripping from the puncture holes I had just made in this man's arm.
I bit him.
I hissed like I was a wolf animal as the blood fell off my teeth.
what have I done?
His arms were still knotted around me. Though I had just deeply wounded him he didn't let go.
Who is this?
"Rin! Rin! Rin!!"
How do you know my name?
"Rin!!" I tried to talk but nothing came out. "please..." He sounded sad.
My mind kept repeating those questions in my head. Who are you? How do you know my name?
"I'm so sorry!!! I didn't get here in time...god...why am I always late!!.." he cursed at himself. "what's happening to you..." He asked in a hoarse voice.
So is this how I'm awake? By turning into him? Or half him?
My hands started to feel hurt as they started expanding into thick spikes
They grew long like claws.
I couldn't help myself my body was a different entity not connected to my conscious. My nails nails dug deep in his arms. He yelled quietly barely grunting. 
Why are you trying so hard?
Finally, he let go.
Immediately my rabid body burst out of his arms. I landed on my hands and feet walking on all fours like him.
The three tails chakra coursed through me as I felt my tailbone get heavier as three, grey, rock-hard tails started forming. Long thick spikes formed on the end.
When I was done growing my demonish eyes darted at the man. With a cocked head I looked back at the man who restrained me so tight. He had long dark spiky hair. Scars along his right side. Light stuff on his right side. One right sharingon eye.
My heart dropped seeing the man who resembled my dead younger friend.
"It can't be you.."
My eyes watered as I saw the sheer panic in his eyes. Only then if when I started taking control of my body. I slowly crawled up to him sitting down in front of him. Feeling wet tears run down my cheeks faster and faster seeing what I had done to him.
His pupils widened realizing a change in my actions. "Rin..." whimpers came out of my mouth as I looked down in shame, "Rin... are you ok?" I was too embarrassed to speak. I looked down and moved closer to him. Slowly I moved my hands towards his face. Carefully adjusting my nails to not injure him I cupped his face. My fingers roamed the bumpy exterior of what was Obito Uchiha. I pulled back suddenly thinking about the pain he must've went through because I got captured and sobbed.
I could feel his eyes stuck on me. "Please...stop crying..." That just made it worse.
"I'm so sorry!!!" his eyes widened. "I can't control myself!!" I yelled intensely.
"Rin.. there is no need to apologize.. this isn't your fault..."
"But.. I-I hurt you!!!" he gently grabbed my arms staring into my eyes. Slowly he got closer. Then wrapped his arms around my trembling body.
It took me a while to realize he was hugging me.
a hug...?
I started crying and shivering at his kindness.
After the hell I put you through you're still willing to comfort me.
"I'm the monster not you.." I could feel his hot breath against my ear.
"W-what do you mean- " my eyes widened at the unbelievable comment that exited his mouth, "..all these people.. that are around us.. I killed. all of them got murdered.. by me..." his voice got tense almost angry at himself.
I started to turn my head noticing the body's and the blood bath we were sitting in.
"You're a lot stronger.." he broke the hug and looked at me sternly.
"I killed them all rin!! Does that not bother you?" He yelled at me. I avoided his eyes scared of the intimidating man.
"Obito...kakashi did the same thing when you died...there was a large group of rock ninja and he killed them all..." he didn't speak. "Obito...I don't care.. you were protecting m-"
"Rin.. I was not protecting anyone! ...I was mad.. out of control and-"
"That's natural!! After seeing the person you like die!!.... I'd be mad too..." I looked up at the silent man. He lifted his hand and scratched his head avoiding eye contact. "Who told you.." His voice was deep he seemed man. "N-no one..." I stuttered lying.
Kakashi told me he liked me right after we got out of the cave which made me guilty the rest of my life. "You're lying.." he looked at me with dead eyes, "you don't stutter like that unless you are."  
Just when I was gonna say something I heard something coming out of the forest. I looked around as fast as possible scared that I was gonna get taken again. As people ran out of the woods Obito stood up. His tears subsided quickly as he smiled, "Over here!!" They yelled.
I could hear dozens of feet hitting the ground as people ran towards us.
My body tremble vigorously in fear.
what were people gonna think about me?
I'm a monster...
I felt a nice warm soft hand grab mine
I gently looked up at the boy's bright smile.
"They are here to help you not hurt you. there's no need to be scared.." His gentle voice calmed my nerves.

"Who is that-.." some people kept repeating.
"Wait..." That familiar voice made me scared stiff. I knew my Sensai would question how we got into this situation. I started crying thinking he would be disappointed at another failed mission.
"Rin their focused on me not you."
Right.. obito's been dead for a
Minato would definitely be shocked to see his face again, everyone will.
I looked up at obito as he grabbed my hands and helped me stand. My legs were shaking so bad that I could barely stand up. Obito looked down at me. He was helping me stand then tried to walk with me when I plummeted right back on my knees.
My legs felt like jello while falling into a puddle of water.
My head started pounding I started screaming at how much pressure was being forced on me

And my eyes closed

When I opened my eyes, I did not to see water but blood. my knees were an inch deep in blood.
I forgot my vision was red in that form.
But now i could see everything for myself.
An absolute blood bath, branches from every tree were dripping with blood. Puddles were gathered by every body. Limbs were scattered across the field.
I looked at my hands and felt myself. Everything was back to normal no nails, tails, or chakra.
"Rin!!" I squinted up at the big man yelling.
"W-what happened..." I mumbled with a booming headache.
"I don't know... but you turned back normal. and I also heard that kakashi is going to be ok..." I widened my eyes and that's when I saw the blood covered man named Obito. I sat in silence taking in the information, "Rin..?"
"Can you stand up?"
"I-I don't know.." he grabbed my hands again and pulled me up but the second I tried to use my strength I fell on his chest. he moved his arms and put them on my back and held my legs up. He was fully holding me and I laid my head down on his chest. I felt so unbearably dizzy that I vomited to the side of him. I winced as the sourness came up my throat. While gagging, "I'm so sorry!" I felt my hair get tugged. I looked up at him, his face was filled with a gloomy look as he was holding my hair out of my face. "What are you apologizing for?"
"I threw up on your arm..." I cried more.
"Hey hey it's ok... really. No biggie I can clean it off" he chuckled while I cried. "Do you need to lay down or sit? Do you need anything, food, water?"
You really don't care do you. How are you still this nice to me?
"N-no... I'm ok now.. but my head still hurts." I felt his big hand lay my head on his chest as he walked and talked to people. He asked me a question but my mind got foggy as my eyes shut.

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