Chapter 7

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3rd POV

Fugaku tapped his finger against the wooden table, "Obito Uchiha?"

"Yes..." Minato replied.

Fugaku rubbed his chin slowly processing the information, "So, if I understand correctly, Obito Uchiha, who died a year ago by being crushed under a bolder. Supposedly, he survived because Madara Uchiha, His grandfather, who's also supposed to be dead, saved him? And on top of that, you expect me to believe he killed an ENTIRE mist platoon by himself?" Fugaku gave Minato an unimpressed glare. "I don't believe you."

Hiruzen intervened, "Now it was hard for me to believe at first too, but wouldn't it be possible?" He tried to save Minato from Fugaku's glare.

"Possible, yes. The chances of it? Next to zero. I just can't believe it. The boy was the weakest thing to ever come out of our clan, that's why we ostracized him." Fugaku made an expressionless face, "I refuse to believe the weakest member of our clan would show such ability, not only with his strength but sharingon too." He crossed his arms.

"So you're just going to ignore the truth because you refuse to believe it? Why are you so set on him being a failure?" Minato glared irritated at the man.

"Minato, that is not appropriate-!" Hiruzen got cut off by the Uchiha.

"You are not a Uchiha. You will never understand our standards. Call us selfish, controlling, or whatever the hell you want. At the end of the day, he's the black sheep, the runt, the failure, that's all he will ever be in the clan's eyes." Fugaku stared at Minato in disapproval, "Just because he was your student doesn't mean he gets special treatment. He's an embarrassment to the Uchiha name. Once a failure, always a failure."

"Maybe if he got taught by his own clan members he wouldn't be," Minato whispered under his breath as Fugaku turned his sharingon on.

"Do you have a problem with-?"

Hiruzen cleared his throat, "This is not the point of this meeting. The reason why we called you down here was to inform you of all the information we have gathered on Obito. Whether you believe Minato or not I got the report from the medical squad that we sent as backup and they confirmed Minato's story." Fugaku loosened his fists and looked at the third willing to hear him out. "When Obito was at the camp with the medical team they performed small tests and asked him a few questions. He is about 5'10, shoulder length shaggy black hair, one right eye, scars filled on the right side of his face, the right half of his body is white, and he awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan."

Fugaku's expression fell while he slammed his fists on the table, "How in the hell do you know what that is?!" Fugaku, clearly angry, got a puff of smoke in response. "Answer me! That is classified information!"

Minato smiled, "The medical-nin you provided to us. Shai Uchiha, one of the top medical Uchiha's. We sent her in the backup squad because of Kakashi's sharingan. When she was done with all of her tests on Kakashi and Obito she informed me that both of them awoke the mangekyo sharingan. The sheer amount of power and chakra that it requires could've killed Kakashi if he didn't pass out. Obito however can turn it on whenever he wants with ease." Minato said in an almost bragging tone.

Fugaku kept a stern expression not knowing where this would lead in the future, "And she was positive his eye was the mangekyo..." Fugaku sighed under his breath while refusing to look in Minato's direction.

Minato glared at Fugaku's pettiness for not even looking at him, "are you implying Shai's conclusion is wrong?" Minato acted shocked.

Fugaku clenched his fists, "No, I know her capability and experience. She is 17 and one of our most skilled medical professionals in the clan. I don't doubt her suspicions, I just want to see it for myself." He tried to remain calm now understanding the severity of the situation.

Minato glanced out the window, "So, you finally believe he's alive?"

Fugaku lowly sighed, "Until further notice, I have to. If he truly does have the mangekyo I will need to take him in for special training under my supervision." Fugaku said in a snarky tone.

Minato was taken aback by his answer, "What?! Obito will never agree to that!"

Hiruzen put his hand up to stop Namikaze, "Minato, this is not your expertise. We already overstepped our interference with the clan. Obito may be your student but he's an Uchiha. You out of all people should know the agreement we have with them."

Minato ruffled his hair, "And I understand that, but Obito will freak out if he gets separated from my team. With all due respect Fugaku, you have to understand that that boy wants nothing to do with you." Minato said to him in the most sincere way he could.

Fugaku got up from his chair and started to head to the door, "And with all due respect Minato, don't tell me how to run my clan." Fugaku said mockingly while slamming the door behind him.

Hiruzen sighed heavily and spun his chair to the window. Minato looked down at his hands, "I can't agree to that? Obito would kill me... I can't take him away from his team. I can't let him be taken just for power. He may be a Uchiha and seek their approval, but this just isn't the way to do it. He can prove himself without their help, I know he can." Minato tried to convince the annoyed Hokage.

"Look, Minato, I'm sorry, but how well did that go last time? When he tried to do stuff on his own he ended up bottom of his class." He puffed smoke out of his pipe, "Are you genuinely scared of him being reinstated into the clan, or are you scared of taking him away from her?" He turned his chair to him, "Don't you want him to grow stronger? Fulfill his dreams?"

Minato looked down at his fists. "He's like a son to me sir, and my team is the closest thing he has to family. I'm sorry if it's selfish, but I can't take him away from that." Minato stood up confidently and left the room.

"This is going to be a messy appointing..." Sarutobi leaned back and sighed.


"Hurry up!!" She yelled, "He just got back!" Everyone was yelling while pushing through the sea of people.

Guy pushed through the crowd and looked through the gate of their village. "I knew you'd make it back Kakashi!!" Guy said with a proud grin.

Kakashi was limping with his arm around someone else, but you could tell he was smiling under that mask. "I'm just happy to be alive.."
All of his comrades ran up to him and started asking him questions about the missions, but Kakashi wasn't listening, just scanning the crowd, "Where's Obito? He should be back by now right?" Everyone stared at him as if they saw a ghost, "what?" Kakashi said getting annoyed that no one was answering him.

"Obito's dead Kakashi.." Guy replied without his spunk.

"What? No, he's alive, he's the only reason me and Rin are alive." Kakashi said concerned knowing he should be back in the village.

Minato ran out through the crowd, "Thank god you're back!" Minato ran up to him hugging his student.

"Where's Obito?" Kakashi said angrily.

"Oh.. about that.." Minato scratched his head, "let's get you to the hospital first-"

"Where the hell is Obito!?!" Kakashi yelled while everyone was taken aback by his display of emotions.

"... I had to leave him.. to get Rin to the hospital in time.." Minato said guiltily.

"Oh of course he would do that! Aren't you gonna send a squad out to get him!? He doesn't even know where he is!" Kakashi yelled at his sensei's decision.

Everyone else stared at the two in shock.

"Kakashi I understand your concern, I'm worried too, but the best we can do is trust him. I have no idea where he could be. There would be no point in sending out a squad when I don't even know where they would look." Minato put his hands on Kakashi's shoulders, "Now let's get you to the hospital, he'll be fine." Kakashi eventually gave up and went to the hospital.


Hmm where is Obito?
Is rin doing all right?
Hope you guys stay to find out!

Till we meet again
-puffin muffin

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