Chapter 9

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Later that day Minato pulled him from the hospital and talked to him about where he would be staying. Luckily Minato offered his house for him to stay and Obito immediately obliged with enthusiasm. Even though Obito wouldn't be able to stay in his old house anymore he still gets to stay with the people he considers family.
After the big long discussion they finally arrived at Minato's house.

His Sensai walked up the stairs and opened up a door. "Since you'll be here for a while, this is your room!" Minato enthusiastically thrusted himself in the room with his student following.

"Uh... Thank you.." Obito scratched his head overwhelmed at his hospitality.

"Something wrong?" Minato patted the back of his student.

"It's just... so much. I dont know... just haven't been around people in a while.." Obito sighed and closed his eye.

"I get it, I've also noticed you're more quiet then before." Minato frowned hoping that cute kid was still in there.

"I'm just not quite comfortable yet.. I'll get there.." Obito paused, "but for now.. just hang in there.. I'm trying.." Obito put on a lopsided smile.

"You're thinking about Rin aren't you?" Minato crossed his arms with a concerned glare.

"H-how did you know that?!" The boy jumped back.

Minato just chuckled, "you always have that look when you're thinking about her."

"Am I that obvious..." Obito groaned.

"Afraid so, haha," he chuckled then said, "Go see her.." he had a soft smile on his face. Obito's expression brightened the second he heard him speak.

"R-really?!" He smiled and Minato just nodded, "sweet! Thanks!" He immediately ran out the room and down the stairs. But before he could leave the house he ran into a red head holding groceries.

The two stared at each other for what felt like hours before the women dropped all her things and ran up to him crying. Her arms strapped against him tightly while crying, "Don't you ever fake your death again!!" She yelled, but didn't hit him. "I was really scared ya'know... like you were dead.. actually dead.." her mouth quivered as the hug was quickly reciprocated.

"I missed you too kushina.." Obito rested his head on her shoulder smiling.

Kushina backed up with her red puffy eyes and lowed her brow in anger. With a forceful punch she said, "Don't you ever do that again you little shit!!" She screamed as Obito fell down in pain.

"It's not my fault!!" He scratched his head angrily. Minato walked down the stairs smiling at what he saw.

"Minato, you didn't tell me he got back?!!" She walked over to the man fuming.

"Well you were out shopping and-" She grabbed his collar and started crying.

"I'm not the first one you would tell..." her eyes got big and Minato started panicking.

"Sweetheart no.. I was going to tell you the second you got back.. I just found him a couple hours ago at the hospital.. I brought him here to get him settled since he has no where else to live. He was just now leaving back to the hospital.." he hugged his wife and kissed her cheek, "we have all the time in the world to catch up with him.." Kushina looked up at him then swung around to Obito.

"Your visiting rin aren't you.." she said softly.

"Well... y-yea..." Obito blushed as his head darted down.

"Can I come with you?" She wiped her eyes and smiled softly at the boy she thought of like a son. Obito cocked his head confused about the invite but eventually nodded. "We'll be back late Minato, love you!" She grabbed Obito's arm and yanked him out the door.
"So.. Obito.. you've grown!" She smiled sadly while walking beside him.

"Does that disappoint you?" Obito questioned her confusing demeanor.

"No.. it's just.. diffrent ya'know. Like the old Obito would totally be fighting with me right now so you could be alone with rin, or he would be mad that I punched him so I would punch him again..." she paused, "just a lot different then what I was expecting..." there was a quiver in her voice that made Obito sad as well.

"I've just been through a lot Kushina.." Obito scratched his head, "to be honest I didn't know you cared about me.."

Kushina whipped her head around in terror, "wait, you didn't know!?!!" She screamed and grabbed his shoulders.

"Know what?!" He yelled confused and scared of her fists making contact again.

Kushina slumped over, "what kinda mother am I..."

Obito's eyes widened, "what are you talking about?"

"I've..." she took a deep breath, "look, truth be told, you've always been my favorite Obito..." Obito blinked in shock, "I know I'm not supposed to pick favorites, but I just couldn't help it! You were so cute and I.. thought of you.. like my own son." Obito bit his lip on the verge of tears from what he was hearing from the women he thought of as a mother, "and since you had no parents.. I wanted you to think of me as one.. and hopefully Minato as well.. I hope you know how much we love you..." she cried out to the young man who was overwhelmed.

"Of course I do kushina!" He grabbed her shoulders and looked at her, "I've always loved you like a mother! I just thought that because you argued with me so much thatyou really didn't like me..." Obito then smiled, "but now I know I was wrong! Thank you for believing in me, and supporting me even when I didn't... thank you for all those times you've pushed me to talk with rin." He chuckled, "you really are my mother.." Kushina cried into his shoulder as Obito kept chuckling and patting her back.

"I'm just so glad you're alive!" She let go and wiped her tears, "...I'm ok... let's go see Rin.." she smiled as they walked to the hospital.

"Hold on a sec-! oh wait.." Obito remembered something, "I have no money.." sweat started running off his head in embarrassment.

Kushina smiled, "what were you going to do?"

"W-well.." he scratched the back of his head, "I was going to get her flowers.. for the side of her bed.."

Kushina's eyes filled with awe, "that sounds like a great idea! How about we get some!" She grabbed him and went to the flower shop.

They shopped around for all of her favorite flowers then headed to the hospital. At the hospital Obito and Kushina talked for a while as they sat by her bedside. It had been an hour before they decided to leave.

"Minato!! We're home!" She yelled as she entered her home. She then looked at her husband star struck as the entire table was set along with food cooking. "Minato.." she started crying.

Minato came to his wife hugging her tightly, "I thought you could use a break from cooking! You don't need anymore stress." She smiled gently as he calmed down his wife.

"Wow you're a real crybaby aren't you." Obito made a sneaky smile as he giggled.

"Oh you shut the hell up!!" She punched his forehead.

"OW! What the hell! It was a joke ya'know!!" Obito yelled as he rubbed his head from the women's blow.

"Don't disrespect your mother like that!" She yelled as Minato cocked his head in confusion.

"Mother?" Minato raised his eyebrows.

Kushina smiled brightly, "we talked everything out ya'know!" She winked as she sat down at the dinner table.

"Talked everything out..? Obito can you help me here?" He was bewildered by his wife's words.

Obito kept a straight face while glancing at Kushina then back at him. He smirked, "nope!" He laughed as Kushina joined.

Minato rolled his eyes then said, "well, at least eat some dinner."


Awwww look at themm, this is an adorable relationship that I would've loved to see in the real anime. But alas I do not have that power.

As always I hoped you enjoyed Obito and Kushina's bonding chapter and I hope you stay for more chapters to come!

Puffin Muffin

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