sailors, seas, shores

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(Short Poetic Story)

upon the boundless canvas of the sea, sailors, worn and weary, sail on a timeless journey, guided by stars that whisper tales of distant lands. their vessels, sturdy and weathered, slice through the ocean's embrace, waves crashing against the hull in a rhythmic symphony. each crest and trough is a testament to their resilience, a testament to the ceaseless dance between sailor and sea.

in the quiet moments between tasks, as sails billow and ropes strain against the wind, thoughts drift to shores unknown, to a life that lingers in distant dreams. thoughts, conjured images of homely hearths, of wives with eyes like oceans and children whose laughter echoes in uncharted depths. though vivid, these visions are fleeting mirages, dissipating like morning mist in the sun's heat.

yet, as the sun sets on the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues, a solemn realization grips their hearts. for sailors are bound to the ceaseless voyage, their fate entwined with the tides, forever adrift between moments of longing and the tempest's embrace. their yearning for shores with love's embrace remains a whispered secret carried by the winds, a lament unsung upon the vast expanse.

each cresting wave sings a ballad of their wandering souls, a ballad of solitude amidst the ocean's embrace. their hearts tethered to the intangible, yearning for a warmth they never known, for they are sailors, bound to the sea's eternal voyage, forever adrift in the endless expanse, with no shores to call their own.

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