♡ ; the first letter

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~ { ♡ } ~

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~ { ♡ } ~

Wassup bro?
(Is that too cringy? Sorry if it was)

Have you ever met someone who's smile looks like it could make flowers grow?

I have, and it's you.

It's taken me three days to have enough courage to put pen to paper and write about my feelings. I can't believe you're gone...you're all gone. At first, when we all got the news, not only was Namjoon enlisting...but Jimin, Taehyung, and you were going, too. There are both pros and cons to the situation.

But I miss you all so much already. I wasn't ready to let you go so soon...I honestly thought we would have more time, but I should have expected the news when word got out that you were finally, and I mean finally releasing your own music, and then the concert.

And when the news hit the world, I knew your concert was a goodbye for now.

Gosh, I never knew I would cry so much about someone I've never really met before.

My mom and best friend urged me to write a letter and send it off...but I was hesitant.
Firstly...you don't know me, it could be weird as fuck, you'll never read it, and not to mention this entire letter is written in english...but who knows, maybe I'll use my translator app and copy and paste all this shit.

But once I sat down, lost in my thoughts, i said to myself; "Fuck it, what harm could it do?" So here I am.

So I'll just write this letter to tell you most of everything I've always wanted you to know - as if you'll be reading it sometime in the future.

One: I AM SO PROUD OF YOU, you've accomplished so many great things...and honestly, when your album came out and I listened to the songs for the first time - i teared up. Not because of sadness, no; It was tears of pride.
It was honestly a little shocking to me that I cried because I was so genuinely proud of someone I don't know personally, but hell - there's a first time for everything, right? You deserve the world and so much more.

Two: you have the voice of a fucking angel, you could sing twinkle twinkle little star, and I'd still be entranced. (i expect another concert when you get back)

Three: I want to thank each and every one of you for teaching me so many things in my life, and being there for me when I didn't allow anyone in.

Namjoon taught me to be mature, level headed, and intelligent.

Jin taught me to be confident in who I was, how I looked, and to be proud of who I am and never be ashamed of who I was or what I like.

Yoongi taught me to be outspoken and brave.

Hoseok taught me to always look at the bright side - no matter how lifeless and dark and hopeless my world seemed, the light was just being concealed by my own misery...and I would always have to work on myself so it would shine just a little brighter.

Jimin taught me to smile when the world was black and white to me, and made me want to laugh at his adorable actions and wise words.

Taehyung taught me to be myself, one of the things that I always hid away from the rest of the world. Now, I feel free and happy in my own skin.

And then there's you.

Jungkook, you taught me to always try my best.

And even when I failed, grew angry or sad, or even hopeless - I better get back up and try again. Because if you could do it, so could I.

You taught me to be humble - to never take anything for granted in my life. You taught me to be strong, smile, laugh.

You taught me happiness.

Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by the adoration, love, respect, and devotion I have for you. You're my comfort person, one of the people who can always make a smile bloom across my face when I see your smile and hear your voice. Your music and you as a person is a reason to smile, a reason for me to get out of bed even on my worst day.

You brought brightness and happiness back into my life - and I can never repay you for what you and the rest of the members have done for me. Thank you. I'm forever grateful and indebted to you all.

And through BTS...I learned to never give up - no matter how much life tears you down, get back up, you'll be okay. And I learned to love myself.

"I have reasons, I should love myself." I remind myself of this every day when insecurities tear me down.

Now onto lighter subjects...HOW DARE YOU CONTINUE TO KILL ME?

Jesus, after the CK shoot (jesus christ save my soul), Seven release, Golden release, and then AND THEN, (ah fuck; i can hardly even think about it without salivating at the mouth) you have the audacity...THE FUCKING AUDACITY to show a 'little' video at the live concert with you working out AND showering!!??? Lord almighty, I'm jungshook (hehe...sorry, that was weird, but I HAD to, ya know?)

Us army's are so blessed.

We really fucking are. No shit.

My hand is cramping really bad, so uh...I guess I'll stop writing. But I want to say a couple other things before I leave.

I'll really miss you.

I'll miss your long spontaneous lives - where I'll sit down, smile and act like I understand everything you're saying and comment like crazy, just hoping you'll read my comment.I'll miss watching you fold your laundry, clean at 3am, cook, drink, sing, and dance.

I'll miss you saying how much you appreciate us (when, in reality, we're the people who appreciate you more than anything.)

I'll miss seeing your smile,hearing your laughter - sure, I have a shit ton of videos, older lives to watch, and youtube...but it's still not the same.

But be safe, be happy, be sure to eat plenty, don't be too hard on yourself (you're the most perfect person i've ever met), have fun, and know that we'll be waiting for you all to come home in 2025.

(I know I won't get a reply back - so that's why I don't give a shit about writing all this sappy, cringy, and somewhat embarrassing things.)

Thank you for making me happy.

Love, Rune

(just a normal, slightly weird, quirky - but absolutely adorable, army)


and here's rune's first letter to jungkook!
I hoped you liked the intro!
The next chapter you'll get a look into Rune's thoughs, meet her family and friends, and then chapter three will be another letter...I'm pretty sure that how I'm gonna do things for this fic.

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