♡ ; common sense

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~ { ♡ } ~

~ { ♡ } ~

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~ { ♡ } ~


It was late on a Saturday night when Jungkook could finally get his hands on everything he would need to reply to Rune's letter.

The soft scratching of the pen in his hand hitting the paper, accompanied by the moonlight shining inside the dark room relaxed his mind so he could just let go and write.

Jungkook didn't know why he was so...drawn to reply to this letter. Why was he? He didn't understand...but he was just going the the 'flow' per se until he could sort through his thoughts.

With his free hand, Jungkook's fingers stroked over the intricate writing on the adorably designed letter and forced himself to think of the words he wanted to put on paper, words this girl – army – would understand. Towards the end of his, regrettably short letter.

A soft sigh left his lips as he tongued the two holes on the inside of his lip, frustration bubbling within him while he was trying his best to write every word in English – his writing was somewhat sloppy ( he hated that with a passion and swore he would better himself at it ), and somewhat crooked, but damn it – it was good enough and seemed to look readable.

He would ask Namjoon hyung to read over his words before he sent it off. His toes curled back and forth underneath his blanket as he finished off his letter and slid it inside the plain white envelope and sealed it.

"Ah," Jungkook sighed, holding the letter in his hand, and the purple one in his other and stared at them.

"Mine looks so plain." he grumped to himself, eyeing his ugly envelope and looking at the purple one that was already so precious to him.

Biting down on his lip, Jungkook decided that he would decorate the envelope himself – hmm, maybe draw some cute pictures on it? So his letter would look like he put a lot of thought into it, just as Rune's did.

For the next hour, Jungkook took time to perfectly add cute, yet detailed pictures on the envelope and finally allowed himself to rest for the night.

Staring up at the dark ceiling, Jungkook couldn't help but wonder about the girl.

What did she look like? What was her favorite song? Her favorite color? Her favorite era?

Those thoughts kept him up longer than he had expected – but finally, finally after wondering what her favorite food was; he fell asleep, hoping high for a reply to his questions.



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