New job

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Once upon a time there way a man. a bald man and his name was baldi, baldi didn't have any friends or family because he was bald Baldi was truly heartbroken because deep down he knows he'll never find true love
because of his smooth dome so he layd there in bed crying and holding his ruler. and he made one wish...some thought he'd wish to have a head of hair but no. he wished to find true love


Baldi is doing his usual start to the day he makes his coffee and gets ready to teach kids how to do math, Baldi has a big smile on his face why wouldn't he? this is his dream job after all, as he gets out some simple counting blocks and a few math sheets he hears a knock at the door ["who could that be at this hour?" he thinks to himself] "Yes? come in"

Y/n Opens the door slowly "hello, i am terribly sorry to bother you but im new here I'm the new school counselor. i was told that you'd give me a tour of the place."

Baldi looks at you annoyed "uhg of course they give me the newbie to deal with.. fine whatever fallow me.."

You follow him around and he shows you all of the different rooms and where you'll be working, Baldi turns to you "alright that's about it if you have any questions just talk to the principal, don't bother me im a busy man.."

you tuck your hair behind your ear "alright. im terribly sorry to waste your time but thank you for the tour Mr baldi"

He glares at you "please just call me baldi.." he walks away not giving you a chance to say anything else but you think that's for the best right now. he gives you a bad feeling, after that unpleasant interaction you decided to get everything set up before your shift started [You think to yourself "this shouldn't be so hard, all I'll have to do is help out some kids it should be a piece of cake!"]


your shift ends and you get up and grab your things so you can get going, but all of a sudden you get a bad feeling you look behind you and it's baldi standing there, You scream "AHH oh it's! haha sorry."

He looks annoyed with you and says "a bit jumpy are we?" he says in a mocking tone while giving you a devilish grin

you step back a bit "haha. vary funny. now what do you want from me?" you say nervously

he looks down at you and says "i just wanted to tell you that theres a break room for workers in case of a emergency or whatever. i forgot to tell you when i was giving the tour."

You look at him surprised [you think to yourself "im surprised he even bothered to tell me now. what's this guys deal.?"] "oh! thank you for telling me mr- baldi."

Baldi crosses his arms "yeah. no problem.. now get out of here and don't be late tomorrow... or else" he once again walks away not giving you a chance to say anything

[you think to yourself "the the hell does he mean or else? i really don't want to find out so i should just leave.] you make sure you have everything and you make your way out of the school house making sure no one is following you [you think "there's something so unsettling about him but for some reason i find it attractive..."]


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