chapter two

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today starts off the same just like any other day you wake up make some coffee and get ready for work but something feels different today, maybe it's because you got a new job? or maybe it's because of that weird guy you met yesterday. nonetheless you decided to continue getting ready for work you really didn't want to be late this time. so you get ready and make your way to the school house, heading inside you notice that no one is here you find that pretty odd considering there should be at least a few teachers or at least a janitor. you start to feel uneasy but all of a sudden you feel a hand grab your shoulder you turn around and scream "AHHH GET AWAY FROM ME!!" as you turn around you see that it's just baldi "oh geez im sorry! i didn't realize it was you baldi!"

Baldi looks at you offended and says "I'm just sooo scary aren't i? im just one big scary monster huh?" as he continues to talk he starts getting more angry

in fear for your own safety you step back and say "No no! your not scary at all! i..i just didn't know anyone was here! haha"

Baldi looks at you like you a idiot "of course people are here! they're all busy actually working and I'd recommend you do the same before i give you a reason to scream" after yelling at you he decides to leave without letting you say anything AGAIN

you just stand there a bit shocked by what happened so you decide to get to your office [you think to your "what the fuck did he mean by that!? what is he some kind of murderer?? i don't want to find out so i guess i should get to work.."

a few hours past and it's about time for you to go home luckily today was fairly easy only had to help a few kids but talking to all of them you've noticed one pattern they are all afraid of rulers they wouldn't say why but whenever you would mention one they would be terrified it was pretty odd but you quickly forgot about it. until you started to get ready to go home you heard a sound.. it sounded like slapping? but the sound only got closer and closer. until you turn around and you see baldi holding a ruler and then all of a sudden you black out.


you start to wake up but when you open your eyes you see that your tide up to a chair you look around panicking you see that your in some sort of basement, you try to scream but there's duct tape on your mouth. but then you hear a voice. it's baldi

baldi walks up to you "ohhh it seems like your finally awake, for a moment i thought you were dead hahaha but now that i know your alive i guess that means i get to have my fun!" he says with a nasty grin

[you think to yourself "fun!? what the hell does he mean by fun!? i don't want to die no no no i can't die! is he going to torture me??] you start wiggling around to try to escape

baldi looks at you amused by you panicking "shhhh shhhh don't worry darling I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to kill you!! mwhahaha, no no im just kidding maybe I'll hurt you a little bit but i want to hear your screams so i guess i should let you speak" he rips off the duct tape

"PLEASE PLEASE DON'T HURT ME I'VE DONE NOTHING TO YOU PLEASE!!" you say frantically while still trying to undo the ropes

baldi gets angry with you and says "NOTHING??? YOU REALLY THINK YOU'VE DON'T NOTHING TO ME???"

You look at him scared and confused "WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU PLEASE FORGIVE ME PLEASE"

Baldi hits you with his ruler "you know what you've done.. your just like everyone else. you hate me because im BALD"

You look at him even more confused "OWW w..what? you think i dislike you because your b.bald?." you say nervously

Baldi gets even more angry "don't play dumb with me! i know that you think im some kind of monster just because im bald!!"

"what?! no i don't think your a monster because your bald i swear! to be honest... i found you being bald kind of attractive." you blush as you say that you also away from him

Baldi in shock from what you said he drops his ruler "w..what?"


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