Part 3

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Delphi pops into the lab out of nowhere. "Who are ya calling not real?" He flicks Tails' forehead and disappears. Tails is Rubbing his forehead. "..."

Sonic and Tails stare at each other with disbelief. Sonic laughs. "See!?" 

 "I..." Tails is speechless.

"I told you! So what do you have to say now, Mr. Genius?"

There's a moment of silence.

".. So... Tails... What are you gonna do now?"

"Track this guy down." Tails is still rubbing his forehead. Sonic looks at him. "Yeah, right. How do you even plan to do that?"

[The next day]

Tails is gazing out of the plane window. "Wait... Is that--?"Sonic looks outside then at Tails in shock. "Don't tell me..."

"Yes, Sonic. It's him."

Delphi is hiking a mountain in the distance. "Wow, so I was right, Tails! Delphi's real. But why is he hiking up that mountain?" 

"I've done research on his appearance, and it looks like he's a pika. And according to my searching: American pikas are believed to have evolved from Siberian ancestors that crossed the former land bridge between Asia and Alaska. They once lived across North America, but have been retreating upslope over the past 12,000 years. American pikas now live on high-elevation cool mountains west of the Rocky Mountains. They can be found in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico, as well as western Canada. American pikas are found above the tree line in alpine terrain. They live on rock faces, slopes formed by rock debris, and cliffs near mountain meadows. Though most pikas in the lower 48 inhabit alpine ecosystems exclusively, some survive at lower altitudes where deep, cool caves are available, such as the ice tubes."

"So he's trying to reach a cool mountain environment? What's he planning to do once he's up there?"Tails shakes his head. "Maybe the better question is: Why do we care about that?"

"What do you mean? Of course we should care! You said it yourself-- he's been following us! Now he's suddenly walking up a mountain and we're just gonna ignore it?"

"Uh, yeah?"

Sonic is bewildered. "You can't be serious! Do you want us to find out what he's planning or not?"  "And what if he's not planning anything and he's just a normal person?"

Tails, he's obviously not normal! 

Sonic Pauses for a moment. "Tails, look. I don't want to take any chances. What if this guy's got a master plan? What if he's dangerous? We can't just let it slide."

They look back at the mountain, but Delphinium isn't there anymore. 

Sonic shouts in annoyance. "Oh, come on! Tails, don't tell me you lost him already!"Tails glares at Sonic. "Sorry, Sonic, but it's a bit harder keeping a sight on someone who can turn invisible at will."

Delphi is now inside the plane.

Sonic and Tails whirl around, startled. "Whoa! Where'd you come from?!" says Sonic.

"Hi." Delphi waves with an innocent look on his face.

"What the--?! How did you even--? You know what, whatever. Hey, what are you doing on this plane?" 

"I heard you guys."

Sonic narrows his eyes. "Wait, you were listening to us?"

"Yeah. You were kinda talking about be being an evil villain trying to take over the world but... I just forgot my book of poems up there."


"How do you think I rhyme so well?"

"Po-" Sonic stops himself. "You're actually a poet, aren't you?"


"A poet?! Oh man, I can see it now. You've been planning to take over the world with your..." He looks around, then leans in and whispers. "Poems." He says the last part with finger quotes.


Delphinium's face clouds over.

Sonic stops and tilts his head. "You are kidding, right?"

Delphinium slaps sonic, punches him in the nose, picks him up and dropkicks him off the plane.

Tails watches Sonic as he falls. "Hey! What the--?!"

Delphinium appears in front of Tails in a flash, holding his neck. His british accent is now more defined. His eyes are almost nonexistent. "Do you agree with that ninny?"

Tails tries to pull Delphi's hand off his throat. "Gack!" He looks at Delphinium and gulps. "Y-You mean Sonic? Well, uh... He can be a little... uh... eccentric... sometimes."

Delphinium squeezes harder. "I said, do. you. agree?"

Tails struggles to breath. "G-Gah! U-Uh... y-yeah, I-I agree." He gulps.

Wrong move.

Delphinium throws Tails off the plane too.

Tails scrambles to grab onto anything, and eventually catches the wing of the plane. He hangs on tightly as he's holding on for dear life. "A-AHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Delphinium walks to the cockpit of the plane. takes the pilot off the seat, puts him on the other one, and ties him to it. he then sits in the pilot seat and directs the plane down. Right towards where Sonic landed.

Sonic is lying in the grass, he looks up to see Tails hanging onto the wing of the plane. "Oh great. This cannot be good." He then sees the plane coming right for him.

Sonic tries to move out of the way. "What the--?! What's this guy's problem!?"

Inside the plane, Delphi lifts one hand, and turns it into a fist. Sonic is now glued to the spot and cannot move. "Your desperation is showing."

Sonic struggles and tries to break free. "Come on, come on, come on... Help! HELP!!" He looks back at the plane, just before it's about to crash into him. He closes his eyes and screams, bracing himself.

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