chapter 1: in the beginning

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Now to lay down some rules, vampires are nearly just like humans. There is only a few ways to tell them apart.  One, they are striking cold. Most play it off as they are just cold natured, or others simply live in the cold. Two, they have extraordinary senses and super strength.  They could easily snap a neck or any other thing in their way.
Three, they are immortal.  They don't burn in the sun, they're not affected by garlic or crucifixes or anything like that. They don't like being in church. It's too stuffy, but they can walk on holy ground. Other than the three things above, they were perfectly normal. They sourced their blood locally,  and most just preferred animal blood, pig was the closest to human, since the prices for pure human blood had skyrocketed.  On the lone streets in Japan, katsuki bakugo walked the road. He had just come from the butchers, a weeks worth of blood in his bag. The butcher he went to was Descret, and with a little extra money lining his pockets, he never asked questions.  Bakugo sighed as he looked up at the sky, anger simmering in the back of his mind. The sun was just starting to set when he made it home. Putting the blood away, he walked to his room to change his attire before he was scheduled to leave again. In the past few decades, he had made a small name for himself and owned a very nice nightclub.

It was called dynamite and was frequently used by members of his own race, humans, werewolves, and the majic folk. He walked to his closet and pulled out a red and black suit. Quickly dressing, he checked his schedule for the night. He had two meetings early on that night, but otherwise, he was free to roam. Shrugging he walked out the door and walked the 30 minutes it took to get to his club. Bright orange lighting filled the area, people lining the sidewalk eager to get in. He passed them and was quickly let in as the bouncers noticed him.
"Hey boss" a blond male said, smiling widely at him. 
"Miro" bakugo said and nodded at him as he walked on passed. He took in the multitude of people inside, drinking, and the body's grinding together with the music pulsing through the room. After he looked around, he made his way straight back, to where his office was.
"Time to get these extras out of my office," he mumbled as he looked over the papers for his meetings and sighed as someone knocked on the door.
"Here we go" he grumbled and called for them to come into the room.

Kirishimas pov

The wind was cool and crisp as he breathed in. The jeers and cat calls rang out as he looked at the crowd lined up outside. There were very few of his kind, but he did stand out, even among the other races. His hair was spiked, and bright red, have being dyed just a day ago. His teeth, just a bit sharper than humans, were showing as he smiled widely as he and his small group of friends got to cross over into the club.
Denki kamari, Mina ashido and sero were all whooping and hollering as the made their way in, the lights were almost blinding as the smell of other people closed in on him, and he couldn't help but to cheer as well.

They had waited well over an hour to get in, the club having strict rules on how to act, dress code and a number of other things before one could hope to enter. They had all agreed and once in, he could see why they had to agree. It wasn't just any run of the mill club, most people stank of wealth and money. Just by looking at them, he instinctively wanted to stay away from them.
Kiri was not from a wealthy pack, hell he wasn't even part of a formal pack. He was more of a lone wolf and just happened to pair up with his friends from time to time.

And he never liked the rich, they were mostly Dicks to begin with. Throwing about their wealth like it was nothing. His lip curled with disgust as he thought about it.
Shaking his head he looked around again, taking in the scene.  Distantly he heard kamari ask him about a drink.
"Rum and coke" he answered back, his head swinging around to look at the blonde. His hair was dyed that way, like kiris but it was more like a dirty blonde to be honest. For tonight he had spray painted a lighting bolt onto the side of his hair, assuring them all it was a hair paint and not legit spray paint.
Kamari nodded and took off up to the bar.

Tuning out everything he nearly stopped breathing as someone pushed past him, his senses buzzing as he whipped around to see a platinum blonde haired male push past him, his suit red and black, a haunting looking color against his pale tones. The male didn't look back but kiri couldn't help but watch as he moved through the crowd, as if he was simply immune to the touch of everyone else around him. Not knowing what possessed him, he moved from his group and followed him.

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