chapter 3: divine intervention...or something like that

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Bakugos pov

"Hello?" He answered almost harshly because at this moment his didn't want to talk to anyon-

"Yeah um this is kirishima…the guy you met ... .outside the bathroom?" It sounded as if he was wincing as he talked, as if he was embarrassed at the way he introduced himself. 
"Kirishima erijo " he said, giving his full name and bakugo's mouth curled up in a smile.

"Kirishima " bakugo said letting the name slide off his tounge letting it flow. It rolled off nice enough. 
"Took you long enough" he said, looking around the office, his phone nearly dangling in his grasp.

"Well… I…um…you weren't really hard to find…seeing as you gave me your full name…and a Google search put your name with….your nightclub….that you own…" Kirishima said, almost in a hushed voice, stuttering like he was worried.

"What regret meeting me already? " bakugo said with a harsh laugh, almost ready to hang up the phone.
"Well sorry I failed your little…inspection mutt" he said as he began to pull his phone away from his ear till he heard a startled cry from the other end that gave him pause.

"Nonononono! I didnt…gods I didn't mean it like that! I was just….surprised!" The male squawked.
"Your just…a lot of people really look up to you and i..I was scared and …surprised that you would even look at someone like me"

"So your saying that I can't talk to someone that doest have money or that bring me any kind of gain?" Bakugo asked, his voice hardening as he slowly got angry. 
"Your trying to tell me how to run things? How to do my job, or like I don't have options?! I choose to give you my name, and left it to you to figure out who I was! But you think I'm just some ….some big head!" He was all but yelling into the phone now. He was livid, he had given over everything and yet this…mutt was assuming things, assuming he was just some….he couldn't even finish the thought. 

"No hey no! Look I didn't assume anything not like that. You misunderstood me. Look I'm not very good at talking on a phone. I'll come in tomorrow and we can talk then how's that? I'll be there before the club opens at say 6? If you'll let me in of course " Kirishima said softly, hoping bakugo would let him in, let him explain.  Bakugo was simply silent for a moment before he sighed.

"Fine but if you're even one minute late…." He didn't bother to finish before Kirishima laughed.

"I'll be there!" He said and hung up smiling.

Bakugo pulled the phone away from his ear, a small smile making its way onto his face. He rubbed his face once before he stood, taking his glass of blood in his hand and looking out over the balcony to see people still partying. He drained the glass as he closed his eyes, trying for once to actually…hope.

It wasnt until very early, or later however you wanted to look at it, did people start to leave, alone, in groups or in another persons arms. Some had to be put out on the street by his security team. Bakugo simply sighed as he walked through the now empty nightclub, doging the piles of plastic cubs, the random clothing articles and a few other random oddities. He came behind the bar and begain to help clean up. He needed to do something, and sleep was a long time off for him.

“Hey kaa-chan!” a bubbly green haired male called as he approached him. Izuku Midoria was the name of the best bartender that bakugo had. However a grunt was the only response that he got from bakugo at the moment.
“Ah come on, whats got your head in a twist?” izuku asked, his head tilted as he put some hot water in the ice bin to clean it out.
“You’re never this quiet unless you have something on your mind” he teased and grabbed a towel to begin wiping down some of the counter.

“I have a very early appointment tonight, and i think i might…be nervous” bakugo finally said, a soft sigh escaping from him.
“He… he got to me last night and hes going to be here tonight before the club actually openes and i have to entertain him. And hes got a lot of explaining to do from last night” bakugo said, his hand grabbing onto the glass he had in his hand a bit tightly.

"Hey now don't go breaking my good glasses" izuku grumbled as he snatched it from bakugos grasp, the male letting it go sighing a bit.

"You know I'd just buy you more"

"Yeah but I like these" izuku said as he put emphasis on which glass he rather have and bakugo shook his head.

"Yeah yeah" he snorted and leaned against the counter.
"So…what should I do?" He asked softly looking over to Izuku. 
"I can't cancel on him after what I threatened if he-"

"YOU THREATENED HIM?!" izuku yelped, his eyes widened as he gripped the rag in his hands.
"The guy your expecting and you THREATENED him. How stupid are you?" He asked as he crossed his arms and arched a brow.

"I…he…you didnt….you weren't there with him. And since when do I not threaten people?" He asked, a smirk growing across his face.

"...fair" Izuku said and shrugged as he got back to cleaning.

"Now then for fucks sake what the hell do I do?" Bakugo asked as he pushed off the counter to move out the way so Izuku could clean.

"First, you are going to shower and change clothes and we will meet at the Cafe across the street to talk. I need  a coffee to deal with…all this" Izuku said and gestured at bakugo who scoffed.

"You just…pointed to all of me" he said as he looked down at him.  Izuku walked past him and patted his shoulder.

"Exactly" Izuku said as he walked off from him.

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