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"OK, so no big deal, just …going to see one of the most influential men in the area. I'm sure everything is going to be fine, " Kirishima said to himself as he pulled on his red button down. His black slacks were already in place, along with his polished black shoes and a small chain around his neck. He looked into the mirror, and he smiled before he looked at the time. He was about 20 minutes from the club, so he really had to step on it, but his wasn't too worried about it.
Because honestly, what could go wrong?

A lot was the answer. He had so many people try to stop him on the streets, most human trying to sell whatever wares they had. He had rejected all of them, trying to quickly walk forward, only to be stopped by the next group.

"Come on," he huffed as the traffic light turned green, causing him to be stopped.
He glanced down at his watch and huffed
"He going to kill me," he groaned and ran across the street as soon as he was able.

When he finally reached the building,  he was panting as he walked up to the door.
He went to knock when the door opened, allowing him entry.
"Talk about waiting on me," he chuckled as he walked in, nodding at the male who stood beside it, pressing a button to close the door once again.

"You're lucky I'm patient, and you were only two minutes late," bakugo barked from where he came down the stairs.
"I should just make you go back home now," bakugo said as he made his way down to in front of kirishima. 

"I couldn't predict the lights, man," Kirishima said, a smile on his face.
“I'm here now, be a shame to have to go all the way home alone” he flirted a bit as he pulled a bit of lint off himself. 
“Plus I don't think you actually want me to leave. You're the one who set this up, and honestly, if you were mad enough,  you would have had someone tell me to leave, and not come yourself “ Kirishima said as he looked bakugo over. He was now in a deep red button-down shirt, with black pants and shoes. He looked clean, not so much as a hair on his clothes.

His eyes were a flurry of emotions, however. Anger was the first one before he huffed out a “whatever “ and nodded for kirishima to follow him to the office.  With a smile, he followed after him, taking the stairs in stride.

“So…explain” bakugo said as he planted himself on the edge of his desk, the door closing behind them both.
Kiri's hands were slick with sweat as he cleared his throat. Bakugo's intimidating behaver was now a million times closer in the smaller room. Kirishima breathed out slowly before he looked up to bakugo. His thoughts were nearly in a frenzy at this point. He didn't want to stumble over his words or say something that he didn't mean. After another slow breath, he begain.

“Like you have said multiple times, I am a mutt. Or at least as close to one as you can get. I was kicked out of my pack, I was wrong, I was too much, unnatural, and as such, I couldn't continue to be in that pack. I come to meet with some old friends and I come here and see one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen. Your…everything…drew me in. I didn't know who you were, other than a vampire who looked more stunning than I had ever seen. So I followed you. I wasn't lying when I said you were gorgeous. I believe that still, even knowing who you are now. It just….surprised me of who you were”

He paused and gave almost a nervous chuckle and wiped his hands on his pants for at least the 3rd time within 5 minutes.  Kirishima swallowed and looked around the office for a moment before he resumed.

“being someone who is like me, and being around someone like you, it's a scary thing, not saying I was scared of you, just the situation.  I don't know how to better explain that for you, and I wasn't trying to be an ass when I was talking to you on the phone, I just stumble over my words a lot. But now that I'm here…maybe you can understand me better” he said and smiled. Bakugo sighed and stood against the window looking into his club.

“say I do. Say I understand what you're trying to say. What are you expecting out of this, a one night stand? A relationship?” He asked, those red eyes turning back to kirishima.

Kirishima stood, walking closer to him, standing in his breathing room.

“I want you to do whatever you think is right. And if that means you ban me from coming in here ever again, I'm alright with that. I'm alright with whatever you feel like doing. Fucking, a true relationship,  friends. It doesn't matter. I'll be alright with whatever you choose.”

“And if I choose to use you and throw you away when I'm done with you.” He asked and arches a brow as he looks at kirishima. 

“Then I'll gladly crawl into the trash for you,” Kirishima said almost immediately.  Bakugo smiled and shook his head.
Dumb loyalty or some shit  like that he supposed.

“I'll need some time to think about it” bakugo said lowly and turned from him.
“I have a ride arranged for you. Just tell him the address and he will take you home.”

“Just…text me when you figure out what you want” Kirishima said softly and walked out the office and down to the front doors.

“You better mutt,” Bakugo said to the empty room and a small smile came across his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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