Beginning of the end.

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I were sitting at home one night looking at your tax's on the table I still had to pay.....the thought of finally becoming an adult when I was a kid was so exciting to me but now that im here I just wish you could go back....I got out out of the chair and started to walk over to the couch to find something ANYTHING to distract myself I decided to turn on the tv but little did I know that was going to be a big mistake I sat down on the couch and stretched over to grab the remote I turned the tv to the news channel and started to watch

"hello folk's! Today on — news we have a warning we would like to give out news of 6 skeletons destroying (t/n)= town nearby) and are heading to (y/t) everyone close your blinds and lock your doors because this could be a very hard tim-"

I turned of the tv at that moment and stared in shock for a moment "skeltons....? Destroying the town....? This has to be some kind of joke!" Your iPhone/android started to shake and go of with the amber alert to warn me to lock up and hide

"shit! it's real..."

I ran to the door and locked it then closed the blinds in the living room and headed for the kitchen to close them but when I looked out the kitchen window I saw that the sun was setting that was not a good sign I closed the blinds and locked all the rest of the doors I could find and then started to turn out all the lights

"maybe if the lights are out they will think nobody's home...."

I headed upstairs to my bedroom and decided to get ready for bed I got Changed into my (f/c) pjs and brushed my teeth and hair-if you have hair and I crawled into bed at around 10:00 or so drifting of to sleep.......



I jolt out of bed and look at my alarm clock it's 2am....


someone's knocking at the door... I don't want to answer it what I saw on the news earlier gave me quite a fright and it said they were heading for your town.....

BANG!!! was silent for a while too silent I decided to get out of bed just to take a peek....I creeped down the hallway and the further you got the more creepy it was I looked around the corner and saw nothing in the kitchen then I felt a draft of wind go by my face and I turned my head then I saw it...

My door was broken in half a part of it was on the ground and the other still hanging from its hinges my eyes widened it looked like slash marks there was parts of the wood door scattered around something or someone was in here with me....I was just about to run back to my bedroom until I felt something at the back of my neck I feel heavy hot breaths I slowly turn my head and I see it my eyes widen as I freeze in shock.

A skeleton with a gaping hole in its head one blood red eye in its left socket it's wearing a dusty blood covered blue jacket with a fluffy hood it's covered in blood head to toe and holding a blood covered axe he's smiling.....

He raised his axe and in a low raspy voice said "scream"

He swung his axe towards my head


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