why he's here?

35 3 0

You and Robin get to grab 'n' go and go to the snack aisle.

Robin: What do you want to take?

Y/n: I'm going to take some m&ms

Robin: Ok, I'll take some Skittles.

Y/n: Oh, look! I have never tasted this type of bubble gum.

Robin: Which?

Y/n: those

You point peach bubble gum.

Robin: Oh, you should take them, they're my favorite, do you have enough money?

Y/n: Yeah, i think. The m&ms is $5.50.

Robin: Shit, the bubble gum is $2.15

Y/n: Ah, shit

Robin: Wait, i think I have enough money for your bubble gum, too.

Y/n: Really?

Robin: Yeah, you can pay with what you have left, and i will pay the rest.

Y/n: Thanks, Robin!

Robin: No problem

You and Robin pay for your candy and go sit on a park bench.

Robin: Why did you move to this town?

Y/n: Why this question, you don't want me here?

You and Robin laugh

Robin: No, no, it's because, in every city in the USA, you live in this lost and depressing little town.

Y/n: My father wanted us to live far from where we lived before, so he took the first small, not too expensive house and the first job, and we settled in.

Robin: Why?

Y/n: My mother died..

Robin: Oh, shit, i'm so so so sorry!

Y/n: It's okay, you didn't know.

Robin: I think we could talk about another subject.

Y/n: Yeah, good idea.

Robin: So, do you speak another language?

Y/n: Yes, I speak french!

Robin: Really!

Y/n: Yes!!

Robin: Say something

Y/n: Je n'aime pas la professeur de math mais je suis bonne en math.

Robin: What does it mean??

Y/n: .That means: I don't like the math teacher, but I'm good at math.

Robin: Haha, you should teach me!

Y/n: Haha, yeah, sure.

Robin: But how do you speak french?

Y/n: My mother was French, and she came from Canada.

Robin: They don't speak English there?

Y/n: Yes, but also french.

Robin: Ohhhhhhhhh

Suddenly, you see your ex. You have no idea what he's doing there, but you really don't want to see him.

Y/n: Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT

Robin: What's the matter?

Y/n: My ex is here!

Robin:What, but you moved here only 2 weeks ago.

The Black Phone ~ Robin x Y/n ~Where stories live. Discover now