Context that is needed

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Follows Philza. He had 3 children but two passed away but later adopts 1. Connie is the name of his only(Living) child at the start. When Connie was born she had a twin brother but at the age of 5 she was taken away from them because of neglect. Connie is about 16 years old at the start. Wilbur and Techno passed away and it's been hard for Connie but it's been worse for Phil, they died about 6 months ago. This is sorta Christmasie but with my touch of graphic descriptions of DEATH☠️💀. Drista is gothic.

I know I'm crazy so good luck
It'll probably take tell December 7th or so to add the first actual chapter and crap like that
I have a friend that only writes Sherlock Holmes, I deal with enough of that trying to write something with him.
If you want me to ask him about adding that here I can but you have to ask.
Also if you see my other story or this one on AO3 that's me it might not be posted for another week or so.

Only For A Minute {MissaxPhilza} Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu