Part 1: I found love on the bus

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It was morning and my dad came to my room to wake me up cuz I don't have an alarm clock, and so I put on a skirt with tights and a small shirt along with a hoodie and made my way to my dad to give him a kiss, after he kisses me on the cheek then points to my skirt wich was tucked into my tights and my undies showed wich was embarrassing and I ran to the bathroom to fix it and brush my teeth, hair and my makeup, but I'm not a girly girl more like scemo, I put on dark makeup and it kinda brings out my eyes a lot, but I like it and to be honest, I think I look hot, well I try to be, I'm too insecure so I believe I need to look perfect to believe I'm perfect, but then again I don't believe in perfect.

So I went out side to go to my bus stop and I see a rock in the road and thinking I'm gonna walk right over it witch I was wrong, I tripped and face planted on the ground but got up right away cuz i seen the bus coming about 100 ft from me and I patted my skirt to get the dirt off and a good thing I had my hoodie closed over my face so I didn't get dirt in my face, and my friend Calie and her sister came over to help then finally the bus pulled up and Calie and her sister got on first and sat in the front seat and I sat in the way back in the little seat.

After a while of riding the bus I suddenly heard Derikk's music and I can hear it through his headphones he was wearing. I grabbed my headphones, plugged them into my iPod and stuffed them into my ears and put on my favorite song, Eminem-D12 my band, I love that song so much I started singing along but I kept it quiet like a whisper and I seen Derikk look at me like I was having a seizure or something and he asked me ''What are you doing'' because I was dancing like an idiot and I didn't even realize. I dropped my headphones and jumped into his seat and ripped out one of his headphones and put it in my ear to listen to his song and asked him ''what is this song called'' and he replied saying ''Satin Numbered Us'' (not an actual song) and said it was his favorite, and so went on about the songs we like.

Then my friend Cece came on and sat a few seats up in front of me and I went to talk to her and so I sat in the seat across from her and in that seat was Ben next to me, he was close by the window, and I started to talk to Cece when the bus driver saw me not facing the front so I had to turn in the seat to face the front like the bus driver wanted me to, I glanced over at Ben and he looks straight at me, then I look away,he turns away, then I look at him again but quickly turn away, and I catch him in the corner of my eye, slightly looking at me and opend's his mouth like he was about to say something but shuts him mouth and turns away again.

I look at him again straight in the eye and he does to, then I ask ''was there something you were going to say to me or what?''

''um yeah, I was wondering if you had somebody to go to the dance with?" he said nervously like I was going to say I do have someone.

''actually no I don't. . . do you?'' I replied nervously to

''um. . . no. . . . I don't''

''oh. . . . well do you want to go with me (I said calmly), I mean if you want to but you don't have to if ya don't wanna''

He urged quickly to say ''no no I do wanna go with you, I really do''

''okay, good that makes me happy'' I replied with a big smile.

''okay great, I bet you'll look so beautiful'' Ben replied with a soft voice and also a big smile.

okay, okay, i whispered quietly to myself so I don't jump around like a crazy person. I was so happy, I couldn't wait for the dance to come, I just kept thinking about my future like we go to the dance, we become gf and bf, we get married and have kids, be rich and live happily together for ever.

Thank you for reading this first part of the story, hope you love it so far, I know its kinda short but believe me it took about 2-3 hours to type and fix things and I still think there some typos or misspelled words, oh well, and part two is coming real soon I hope :) thx cya later.

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