Part 4: It was a misunderstanding

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Ben's prov.

I saw Maddie walking towards me, I slowly turn my head just a little, enough to see her. She looked confused at me. I turned my head away, I squint my eyes and I keep thinking about what Eric said to me. "Ben, I hope you know that Maddie, she's a slut, she's slept with a lot of guys, all at different schools and she don't even care about you, she's just going out with you to be popular. That's all she want."

I didn't want to believe him but some how I think its true. I don't wanna ask Maddie because what if I'm wrong and she breaks up with me. But I love her so much. how can it be true.

Maddie's prov.

I sat next to Ben and asked him if he is okay but he just got up and left. I sat there for a sec thinking of I should go after him or go to class. I got up and ran after him, I finaly caught up to him.

Maddie-"Ben, what's the matter, why won't you talk to me, Ben!"

Ben- "just leave me alone, I'm..... I'm in a bad mood right now"

Ben kept walking away and I grabbed his arm and pulled him to my face while he had his head down and his eye's glaring at the floor.

Maddie-"Ben I am not going to leave you alone, you can tell me what's wrong. I care about you Ben, I really do."

Ben-"if you really care about me Maddie, then tell me, why are you going out with me" he snapped.

That hurt me, a lot, the way he yelled at me, I started crying, trying to hold back the tears but it was no use, I was bawling like a baby.

Maddie-"because Ben, I love you, I care about you, I really do, believe me."

Ben-"are you sure your not just dating me just to be fucking popular"

"No, not at all Ben"

"I seriously fucking doubt it Maddie"

"Ben!. Why the fucking hell do you think I don't love you, who is telling you this shit"

"No one, it don't matter Maddie"

"Yes it fucking does Ben. now tell me who is telling you this shit!!"

"Fine. it was fucking Eric jeeze"

"Fucking Eric, why the fuck is he telling you this. grrrrrr" I walked away so fucking pissed at Eric for putting that shit in Ben's head, why the fuck is he doing this.

~hey srry this one is on a cliff hanger but I promise I will type up some more as soon as I feel like it..... Jk. I will type soon I promis~ 😛😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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