Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

This was crazy. She should be working on her project. She should be making calls or hitting the streets to scope out possible venues or drumming up some kind of promo. Instead she was refusing to be intimidated as Xander ignored all 'elevator etiquette' and turned his back to the doors sliding shut. As the compartment began its ascent he faced her, intent apparent in every line of his body. A half smile curved his lips, his blue eyes burned.

She stood right at the back of the small space, planting her feet a little apart as if she were bracing fora blow... or something. The atmosphere thickened. Each beat of her heart slammed in her ears. She wanted, but she couldn't seem to move or speak. She just stared at him until it seemed the rest of the world had disappeared. Stupidly dizzy she leaned back, letting the wall support her. A sweet poison spread along her veins, causing need to uncurl in every cell and heighten her senses. Languorous, yet on edge, she waited, reading the heat in his expression. The dare, the desire. The demand.

The elevator chimed. The doors slid open. She peeled away from the wall, dragging her attention from him and making herself move out onto her floor. Reality returned as she walked to her door. She couldn't do this. A one night stand in the afternoon with a virtual stranger? It was preposterous. It wasn't the kind of thing she ever did. And she couldn't do it now.

"You can't look at me like that and then just walk away." His low, teasing whisper came from right behind her.

For the merest moment she paused, touched by that smile in his voice.

His arms encircled her. Tightly.

She closed her eyes, stunned at the rush of warmth and need that flooded within her. "This is crazy."

"That doesn't make it wrong."

"I never do this."

"That still doesn't make it wrong."

Slowly, testingly, she tried to move. His grip loosened only enough for her to pivot on the spot. She staredup at him. His intention--his desire--was clear.

"One afternoon. One fantasy. Just one." His eyes were dominated by the huge dark pupils in the center, drawing her into their velvety temptation--warm, liquid pools. "Chelsea?"

She was as breathless as if she'd been fighting for her freedom. He'd done nothing except say a few things and come after her, yet she was unbearably turned on--aching for a moment of physical intimacy.

Her first time in so long should be good, right? Should be free? She mightn't be ready for a relationship, but now she was definitely ready for touch. For release. And he was offering. She knew he'd give her better than good.

But she couldn't speak. Couldn't say the word she knew he wanted to hear.

He switched his grip, tightening one arm around her waist while lifting the other hand to gently brush through her hair. His smile deepened as his action brought him that little bit closer. Chelsea held her breath as he tugged at the elastic band she'd used to tie it back with.

As her hair fell free he dropped his hand to her waist. Ever so slowly he slid upwards to lightly cup her breast. His eyes never wavered as he watched her reaction to his caress.

There was no hiding her reaction. She pressed her lips tight but her slight moan still sounded. She clamped her muscles yet they still shuddered with that simplest of intimate touches. She'd been burning since before lunch, it only took this little expression of his desire to ignite her again.

His hand moved, his thumb smoothly rubbing, sliding over her taut nipple. His other arm tightened round her waist, pulling her closer into his heat while at the same time he stepped forward, backing her up against her door, giving her the support her jello-legs needed.

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