2: gojo satoru

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Original Chapter/s: 1-2
2: gojo satoru

"It's this late already?" Ayafuji Hayama groaned when he looked out the window. The sky had grown dark, and the city lights shined in the night. Yuuji probably already went ahead to the hospital. "I really should have refused the position but..."

When he recalled the president's begging and hopeful expression, Hayama sighed in annoyance. Not only at the president but also at himself.

"I should tidy up and head to the hospital." The secretary habitually opened his phone, only to see it out of battery. "Oh, right. It ran out while I was checking the clubs." He scratched the back of his head and stuffed the phone into his bag.

Hayama locked the door behind him.

The school hallways at this time of night were so dark that he could only thank the full moon for the light. He couldn't use his phone's flashlight, after all.

"I hope Yuuji's okay," Hayama mumbled under his breath. "He tends to get worked up when I don't reply."


Haya-chan's not replying!

Itadori Yuuji ran with all his might.

Haya-chan, Iguchi-senpai, Sasaki-senpai, please be okay!


"Can you... tell me... where... Room 303 is...?"

A deformed creature walked down at the other end of the hall. Its footsteps were unsteady and an inhumane amount of drool trailed behind it.

At the other end of the hall, a tired Ayafuji Hayama stood. His eyes flashed with irritation, fingers digging into the strap of his bag. How could he not be annoyed? On the first day back from his vacation, he had to deal with a three-inch stack of paperwork while the president was called by the teachers to talk about the upcoming school event.

The vice-president... Hayama didn't want to talk about that annoying person.

And now, a fucking curse seemed to be roaming the halls of their school. In fact, there appeared to be tons of fucking curses in school right now.

Oh, sorry, I shouldn't be thinking vulgar words.

"Where is... Room 303...?"

"... I'm so tired. I want to rest so why are you here? I still have to visit grandpa before I can sleep so why are you curses wasting my damn time?!" Ayafuji Hayama snapped and threw his bag directly into the curse's face. "Dianthe. Wrap it up!"

Vines suddenly arose from the ground, wrapping up the curse. The vines squeezed hard until the curse exploded. Its innards splattered all over before dispersing into energy in the air. The vines crawled back to Hayama's hand, asking to be praised. Hayama sighed, caressing the vine before it disappeared.

"... something's wrong," the blow of the chilling winds that night changed, giving Hayama the shivers. "Something's at school. It's ominous, but what is it?"

Ayafuji Hayama wasn't the best at sensing cursed energy so he couldn't tell where this dreadful feeling came from. It enveloped the entire school, planting seeds of fear and doubt. Hayama pursed his lips.

He still needed to head to the hospital to see Yuuji and grandpa. He couldn't waste any more time dealing with these curses. Anyway, no one should be at school right now so he could just let other sorcerers deal with them-

A shadow came from outside the window. When Hayama looked towards the source, Yuuji's determined face came into sight.

-why was Yuuji here?!

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