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That's my LAST decision...

i slowly call his name "namjoon..." there's no respond. I call his name again
"namjoon... it's me jin" there's still no answer. not a minute later, i hear some footsteps from his studio. those steps are getting closer and closer to the door, and he opens the door.

my eyes open widely, seeing his face just normal handsome as always, and his eyes are not red at all. i'm amazed, i thought he's gonna be broken, but no, he's just normal as he did.
I kiss him, and he kiss me back. i put my hands on  his shoulder, and of course he hold my waist, not forget he also squish my ass, making me moan, ahhh

we stop kissing, and started a conversation...

RM: jin, where have you been these days?
J: ahh, namjoon ~ ahh
J: you're making me worried *pouting
RM: wdym, jinshi?
J: i thought you were dead
J: i mean yes joking
J: jhope said you're just staying here FOR TEN DAYS
RM: c'mon jin, maybe he only knew that i'm staying here, but actually at midnigth i sneak away and gone home ;)
J: ugh, jhope always make me panic for no reason at all
J: he rlly makes me panic and cry like this :/
J: but why are u pretend to stay here? and not showing your face to everyone
RM: uhm jin, i think we better talk this inside, ok?
J: fine whatever you want *pouting again

"Misunderstood" || NamJin AUWhere stories live. Discover now