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April's POV
We soon arrive on Kerwan and we hop out. The long Hall of Heros holding statues of the Rangers. From Brax, to Cora Verulax, to Elaris, and finally, Quark, and the man himself says," suprised your not admiring the statues, we'll have a good stoneworker work on it, so when you achieve full hero status, we can gold plate it."
"Maybe not yet, i'm still struggling to believe it's all real. I just want to get settled in before i'm ready for something that crazy."
'Wow, she's a tough customer, just why is she so hesitant? Oh well, time to get her to Brax so training can begin.' I slowly relax, glad he's not planning to pry.

"Ah Brax, there you are!" He calls to a burly, brown, scaled person holding a Combuster.
"We finally got the new recruit?"
Quark laughs,"about time amiright?"
Brax chuckles," she's pretty scrawny, but i see potential. Let's move it to the basic training course newbie."
I follow him, Quark heading into the Rangers proper base.
'She's interesting, but, seems held back by something i can't point out, maybe a confidence issue? Quark does have that way with people.'
"Hey, know that you got here because of what You can do. I wanna see what Quark saw, so put your all into this course." He points ahead and i see a massive, metallic tower with moving plates sliding, or even tucking in to become part of the structure.
This would suck, but i take a breath, and i nod," ok, so i just start? Is there any enemies?"
"No. No robots or nothing you have to worry about, it's an endurance course, but if you get into trouble or can't continue, fire a combuster shot straight up, i'll hear it and come find you." I nod and i head into the course, noticing Brax staying outside the course, must be he doesn't want to be assumed to helping me. Is he- trying to boost my confidence? I shake my head, focus, i need to do this.

I leap onto the first platform, it stays stable, so does the second and third, turning the corner, a moving platform slides across the silver metal wall. I leap on, quickly catching myself before i fall over, hopping onto the next, letting it slide over to a stable platform. I hop over and stand, turning, and seeing the platforms seamlessly dissapear into the wall. I look down, and i take a deep breath, i fall here, i could end up too hurt to continue.
I hop up as soon as there's enough room to place a foot, leaping to the second one, my foot slips and i crash into the metal, and i feel something on my left wrist snap. No- i could feel the rush, as i could feel myself falling, pushed off the platform by it's natural movement, it stopped, and i take a breath, and i sit(?) up. I was.... flying? How? Oh no- my powers. I quickly turn to the platforms and i focus, sharply rising into the air, twirling mid air, but i manage to land on a stable platform. My head aches and pounds as i pull myself to my feet.
That was cool, but fear made me worry, had Brax seen that? No, i was on the opposite side of the tower, and maybe several dozen feet off the ground. I calm myself down, and continue, making sure to not use my powers unless i'm stuck, finally getting to the top, my head pounding as i sit down, looking at my left arm, without my inhibitor, my headache was going to become a migraine.

I made sure Brax couldn't have seen me when i used it, using what tiny control i had to make it look like i had rocketshoes. I see a taxi, but i just take a second, to reccuperate.

Standing again, i climb into the Taxi, amd it instantly sets on the move, i chuckle and wait it out, hopping out as Brax checks a tablet.
"Wow, pretty good time, whoa, you all good? You look worn out." I nod,"i'm ok, i just didn't think it would be that-"
"Exhausting Cora Veralux said the same after her first run. Let's get you some water." He then reached over, and plucked me up by my scruff, i don't tend to tell people about it cause it's embarressing, so my response to this afront was a failed attempt to get his hand off, his scaly armor stronger then my wimpy claws. I land on his large shoulders.
His thoughts were low, soft, almost like he was aware of my prescence in his mind, before outrightly saying," you have powers, don't you?"
I outrightly stutter,"w-what? H-how coul-d you t-t-tell?"
Brax chuckles," i heard rumors when i crashed on Veldin once. Of a lombax who had the ability to hear every thought. I thought it was weird when i saw Quark with you, and considering how much you did to hide it, he doesn't know?" I nod and he says," i won't tell. Quark might get angry if you tell him. He hates anyone who does better then him. And his ego's the size of a Blargian Snagglebeast. Elaris will figure it out and keep it quiet, but she'll go fangirl whenever your alone with her, Cora might be able to help you train them. Let you use them without the side effects of the headache your probably nursing." I can't help but burst up giggling at his words, only Quark would mind what i can do? It was nearly a dream come true.
Better yet, it was a fresh start.
"Then to Elaris's, i need better inhibitors since one of mine shattered on the course."
"After the cafeteria, but, why keep your powers so locked down?"
"No control is only one reason, i don't like hearing others secrets."
Brax sighs,"i can understand that."
I smile, maybe this is just the fresh start i needed.

April जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें