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Aniah's P.O.V:

The mark. The three lines we had branded on our collar bones when we pledged ourselves to the Empire. I'd recognize it anywhere. I had one, just as many others had.

I couldn't figure out how she'd gotten herself into this position but I knew something was off. I wondered if she had turned her back on the Empire, and this was their way of getting back at her or if she had simply been a ploy to see how far I'd go.

Either way, I had taken her life and didn't really feel all that guilty about it. If she was still aligned with the Empire then at least I got my anger out on someone, and if she was with the Rebellion I had taken care of one more devil.

As I stood in the shower, all I could think about was what was really going on. Why had Master Vader chosen me to question her? If this wasn't some kind of joke or test what was the real reason? If it was a test, what was he trying to see? What was I supposed to prove?

I stepped out of the shower, my hand wiping the steam from the mirror. I looked at the bruising that had lightly formed on my neck and the previous bruises fading on my back and sides, noticing the yellowish green.

As I looked into the mirror, my eyes trailed to my collarbone. They took hold of the mark I had so similar to the woman I had slaughtered. The slightly protruding and discolored skin took me back to the night I gave my life to the Galactic Empire, and in very short time after, took heed to Darth Vader's call and made him my Master.

*** flashback ***

"Do you, Aniah Storm, pledge yourself to the Galatic Empire? To follow the laws of the Sith and to obey every command?"

"Yes... Lord Sidious. I pledge myself to the cause."

Just like that, I felt the stroke of their sabers. The sting was incredible and I let out a scream of relief. Releasing the past and moving forward. I felt my body tremble and sweat drip down my face as the members of the council walked out, leaving me alone with their prized possession: Darth Vader.

"Stand" I heard him breathe through his mask.

I did as I was told, standing to my feet and getting into a soldier's stance. Feet together, standing straight, arm crossed neatly in front of myself. I looked at his helmet but quickly looked past him because the feelings of looking at my reflection was unsettling.

"Your allegiance to the council was a wise decision" he stated.

"Yes, I believe it was" I said back.

"You're smarter than the others" he said, walking off into the space before a window.

"How so?"

"The others weren't as... cooperative... as you were. They had a bit more fight in them" he said, his breathing making so much noise as it rattled through his mask.

"I'm not sure how to respond to that, sir. If you're implying I've done this to save my skin, you're wrong" I stated, serious.

"Watch that tongue of yours, little one. I won't have you talk to me like you do the others" he said turning around.

"Respect is earned" I stated boldly. "And, I won't have my reputation ruined because of a misunderstanding."

I watched as he took off his helmet, setting on a chair beside him. He turned around and his face looked dark and unpleased. Despite his very appealing features his eyes looked like fire and it made a shiver flash through my bones as he walked towards me.

"I see potential in you, but I will not keep you alive with that attitude! I've been where you are and you will change or else" he threatened.

"I want it to be clear that I'm here by choice not by force" I said.

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