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Dazai had settled in a field full of tulips and daisies. The air tasted sweet and the sun's rays warmed her up.

She was satisfied with where she found herself. It was an isolated region and it was a perfect hiding place. For once she allowed herself to breathe, she was safe and that's all that mattered.

No one was going to take advantage of her here. However, she found herself thinking; Was anyone looking for her?

It might sound cynical but she needed to know if she was important enough to search for. As the last woman on earth, she felt guilty. The future of the world was now her responsibility!

But when they needed her the most, she ran. She ran like a bitch.

If she were in any of their positions she would also be disappointed. Their quite literal only hope was gone. Vanished without a trace.

Maybe she should write them a letter. Or should she leave it as is?

Agh! What should she do? She could risk getting caught if she sent that letter!

In the end, Dazai decided to brush that thought aside and focus on what was important. She needed to make herself a shelter for the night.

In a field full of flowers it appears that she could just sleep atop them. They were comfortable enough.


Words- 224

I don't know if f you've noticed but this fic is just crack and pwp.

I can't wait to get closer to the intriguing bits! I hope you enjoyed reading it!


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