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The flowers were soft and they smelled amazing. It was one of the rare nights she actually slept, and it was so satisfying to be fully rested.

Now she found herself on the search for a meal. Her surroundings were full of tall trees and thick bushes. If she were to eat a poisonous berry she wouldn't mind. The relief of death. The only mishap would be dying alone.

It was scary just thinking about it.

Dazai walked for what seemed like hours! Her feet were aching and her throat was dry. She hadn't eaten anything and she felt so empty in general.

At last she found a deserted shack. Dazai had watched enough cliches and horror movies to know that this was never good but she was really starving.

The shack was old and the wood had moss and smelt awful. The floor creaked and she felt like it would break at any moment.

Once she was inside she took notice of the upside down furniture.

Jeez was this a horror movie? Did she really become the main character. The scene was like out of a book. All the chairs were smashed and the table was broken through the middle. The walls were grey and scratched. The thick metal curtain rod was bent and the windows were shattered.

Whoever had enough strength to pull this off was hopefully not here anymore.

Dazai walked over to what she assumed was the kitchen. Dry bread lay on the counter and a cup of yellow water sat on the window sill.

Though the bread was stale and hard as fuck she felt better than before. Dazai broke another piece from the bread and gingerly ate. This was probably the only thing she would eat for a couple of days.

Words: 297

This was nice! Y'all the drama will start in like two more chapters! Those will be 300 words at least and 400 at most. Both.

The nice smut will start later on but it will be flings. :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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